South Africa’s Cannes Predictions 2024

IDIDTHAT is kicking off our countdown to The Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity with South Africa’s Cannes Predictions! We’ve brought together a team of creative heavyweights to view the work entered by South Africa into Cannes this year and choose the work they think will turn heads. A massive shoutout to our judges Fran Luckin, Steph van Niekerk, Roland Sweet, and Xolisa Dyeshana – thank you for being absolute gold as always!

IDIDTHAT Craft Awards September 2020

September's IDIDTHAT Craft Awards were judged by CCO of Grey Africa, Fran Luckin and Bomb Commercials Director, Ernest Nkosi. Congratulations to Cindy Lee from The Star Film Company, Kim Geldenhuys from 0307 and Matthew Swanepoel from Priest Post Production - you overachieving talented beauties you!

Frannes in Cannes

Missed The Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity 2019? Worry not. Simply read Fran Luckin’s uncensored daily reflections from fest to get the big picture. Tag along as she ferreted out the good and bad of the once quiet French coastal community now overrun with creative industry catchphrases, spray tan and yacht parties. While sharing some personal musings on Cannes exclusively with iDidTht, Fran, the CCO of Grey Africa, also served up some South African realness on the official festival judging panel for Film this year. Yeah, we’re luckin to have her!

2019-07-04T12:44:41+02:00June 17th, 2019|Categories: Cannes Lions 2019|Tags: , |

iDidTht & Ster-Kinekor Partner to bring you #SAatCannes Live 2019

iDidTht, in partnership with the Big Screen team at Ster-Kinekor, is proud to announce that we’ll be bringing you all the South African news LIVE from The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2019. Check out what's in store over the next few weeks, everything you need to know about the fest and where you can follow all the rosé-fuelled #SAatCannes action.

Best in Film Craft: May 2019

Every month teams up with an industry leader to award South Africa’s best in Film Craft. This month, the CCO of Grey Africa, Fran Luckin, lends us her years of experience and talent by stepping up to the judging plate. More importantly though, she makes us look damn cool, because guys, it’s Fran flippen Luckin! 😍

South Africa’s Cannes Predictions 2018

iDidTht asked top industry leaders to bring their Nostradamus-A-Game and look deep into their crystal balls to select which of South Africa’s entries into The Cannes Lions Festival 2018 will most likely pick up metal. Huge thanks to Fran Luckin, Neo Mashigo, Pepe Marais, Pete Case and Suhana Gordhan. This year iDidTht will be bringing you all the #SAinCannes news thanks to our kickass sponsor Zootee Studios!

Best in Film Craft: December 2016

Fran Luckin, Chief Creative Officer at Grey Africa Johannesburg, awards the best in film craft by Production Companies this month. She's a bad ass who's bl**dy brilliant at spotting the best craft, so grab your skinny soy frappuccino and have a read through her comments.