IDIDTHAT Craft Award Rankings 2021

IDIDTHAT Craft Awards Rankings 2021

It’s here; The Official IDIDTHAT Craft Awards Rankings for 2021. Every month IDIDTHAT teams up with leaders in the ad and production industry to award the finest in South African film and production craft. These truly are the best of the best in the industry in Film Production, Post Production, Cinematography, Music & Sound, Animation & Visual Effects in South Africa.

#1. Darling Films

Darling by name, Darlings by reputation.

Best in Craft (Direction): December 2021
Darling Films | Jeana Theron
Scottish Leader ‘Revenge’

‘Full Disclosure: I work at Grey/Wpp Liquid but I don’t touch this account. Even so, I was hard-pressed to find anything more deserving of best of craft this month and I’ll tell you why. Someone took the old cocktail/ intrinsic video and elevated it to something cinematic and beautiful. This alone deserves a nod. The images are beautifully shot and edited together to create a visceral feast for the eyes. Love the grade, the music and the pace – all of which is crafted with a delicate hand. Go and have a look, it’s oddly satisfying to watch. Big ups to Jeana and the team.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Steph van Niekerk, Creative Director at Grey/WPP Liquid

Craft Mention (Direction): December 2021
Darling Films | Jeana Theron
Scottish Leader ‘Revenge’

‘Beauty at its best. The micro shots work fantastically. These are difficult to execute successfully. This film is wonderfully directed and the use of sound design is superb. The change from the staccato Tango music to a Waltz/Foxtrot track effortlessly creates high-drama and a really lovely ebb and flow that add to the aspirational nature of the final product and brand.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Mark Ash, Senior Editor at LUDUS Post Productions

Best in Craft (Direction): November 2021
Darling Films | Zee Ntuli
KFC ’50th’

‘Once again Zee illustrates why he is a special talent, the pacing of this ad is perfect. The rhythm has the sensibility of a jazz song . You’re not sure what the next frame will give you but you know it’s gonna be delicious, sumptuous. The attention to detail that Zee has permeates throughout all his work and he takes it to another level on this. I’ve watched this ad numerous times but I’m delighted each time. Bravo Zee. Oh, and salute on that slick finger-licking moment.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Tebza, Director at The Star Film Company.

Best in Craft (Direction): November 2021
Darling Films | Zee Ntuli
KFC ’50th’

‘The first piece that stands out is from the agency that I recently joined. The work speaks for itself. It is simply an enjoyable spot. It is beautifully shot with great casting and performances to match. It takes you on a journey that is refreshing with every watch. Zee nails every shot, from the very intimate, to the awkward, somewhat comedic, and that jolt of high energy at the end. Slick and clean camera work that builds anticipation at the right moments as well as the gradual suspense frame after frame, and then boom, so much excitement that rekindles that feeling of those moments that we all have missed since the whole world has turned upside down.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Kabelo Moshapalo, Chief Creative Officer Ogilvy Johannesburg

Best in Craft (Direction): September 2021
Darling Films | Zee Ntuli & Slim
MTN ‘One Last Push’

‘Navigating a script that speaks to a current mood and relies heavily on capturing nuanced performances is not an easy task. Getting the tone right is tricky. Zee manages to capture the tone in a visually arresting way while still showing restraint with each character. It could have wandered off into the well-trodden space of everyday frustrations with something we are all familiar with, or it could have been just another beautifully shot spot. But instead, the spot engages with the audience on a deeper level. Textured locations, deliberate camera moves and well-chosen cast combined with interesting personal moments make this spot resonate with the audience and hopefully does give them one last push. The director’s job also doesn’t end until the edit is done and having a firm hand in the edit room is what takes this piece over the line. Another great spot for the ever-growing body of work for Zee.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Bruno Bossi, Director and Owner of Carbon Films

Best in Craft (Direction): August 2021
Darling Films | Ross Garrett
Pam Golding ‘Farai’

‘When you tell a story you can use realism or symbolism. The majority of the stories we tell today embrace realism, I suppose it’s the time we’re living in. Ross, however always seems to bring an artful symbolism to his work that makes it captivating, ethereal and distinctive. Faral for Pam Golding is no different. The framing, edit,  grade,  VO and subject matter all combine to mesmerise you in a story worth watching.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Peter Khoury, Chief Creative Officer at TBWA \ Hunt Lascaris

Craft Mention (Direction): August 2021
Darling Films | Ross Garrett
Pam Golding ‘Farai’

‘Visually a beautiful film. Every image showcases Ross’s photographic prowess and strong visual eye. I must say, I didn’t feel much emotion for the hero and his love for bees. It took me a while to realise that the beekeeper and the runner were the same guy. In fact, I only realised this after reading the end line. A bit more emotion and it definitely would have elevated the film to winner status. At least that’s my 5 cents worth! Nevertheless, Ross, this is a film to be extremely proud of. On a side note, it’s awesome to see brands like Pam Golding stepping out of their comfort zone and making communication that really sticks out from their competitors. To quote another famous bee lover: “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” —Winnie the Pooh’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Alan Irvin, Director & Co-Owner at They Shoot Films

Craft Mention (Direction): July 2021
Darling Films | Zee Ntuli
Solidarity Fund ‘Wise Words’

‘I love everything about this commercial. Zee has given this spot the right amount of drama, emotion and humanity. From cinematography to the seamless transitions through these well-articulated worlds of characters. Zee represents all that is great in the commercial (filmmaking) space. All his creative decisions are informed by research and an understanding of his market. He’s a reminder why (the future of) advertising is in good hands. A star that continues to rise above the rest, with the work he and his team produce.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Mpho Twala, Partner and Director at The Rudeboy Collective

Best in Craft (Direction): May 2021
Darling Films | Ross Garrett
Standard Bank ‘Feeding the Nation’

‘Corporate ads can sometimes be pompous and heavy-handed, but I found this piece by Ross Garrett for Standard Bank to be incredibly warm and understated. And that’s what gives it its power. It’s beautiful but authentic, strong but humble. That’s tonally a very difficult thing to pull off, which is why this deserves a Best in Craft for direction. Think of all the ways the execution could have rung false or been pretentious. Instead, the cinematography, performance, music, editing and narration are all used sparingly and in perfect harmony to make a piece that shouts loudly by speaking softly.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Anton Visser, director at Patriot Films

Craft Mention (Direction): February 2021
Darling Films | Ross Garrett
VW Amarok ‘Back to the End’

‘Just a gorgeously crafted piece of work. Well done.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Trevor Clarence, Director at Your Girlfriend

#2. Sketchbook Studios

Sketchbook Studios is a team of forward-thinking content creators and a leader in online short-form video. We believe in the power of video to inspire, educate and entertain audiences.

Craft Mention (Direction): September 2021
Sketchbook Studios | Ramon Mellett
Shelflife ‘Levi’s comes to Shelflife’

‘This spot deserves a special mention as it could have easily been ordinary. I enjoyed the combination of realness mixed in with more filmic, artistic shots. The inclusive cast, paired up with the different attributes of Levis was a clever way of weaving in the product in an unforced and ‘seamless’ way. It was a tough board to pull off, but the direction approach saved the spot.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Roanna Williams, Chief Creative Officer of Net#work BBDO

Best in Craft (Direction): June 2021
Sketchbook Studios | Talya Galasko
Hope Guardians ‘Voicenote’

‘I think, getting such an intimate performance that conjures up so much emotion, utilising very little other than the performance to tell the story makes the direction craft on this piece a winner for me. The direction is so subtle yet takes the viewer on a journey of anxiety that feels so real and experiential. I particularly love the way the director creates tension in the film, through performance, intimate camera language, sound, silence and pace. Subtle performance notes like breath, movement and playing with the real and the imagined world heighten the sense of what mental health illnesses feel like. The story is simple and doesn’t try too hard to spoon-feed the audience, the director allows the viewer’s natural intuition to fill in the gaps around mental health. Mostly I love the way the direction of this piece makes you feel like you are not alone.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Megan Perks, Executive Creative Director at Joe Public United

Best in Craft (Direction Craft): May 2021
Sketchbook Studios | Ari Kruger
Webafrica ‘Unboxing’, ‘Deleting History’ & ‘Robot’

‘The set design, art-direction, casting and styling make these ads a hilariously accurate portrayal of the internet. They’re wonderfully colourful and random and the one-too-many cat ornaments on the credenza is just another meticulous aspect of how well these spots were crafted to do the job. Then, there are the performances, humour is never easy but I found myself chuckling at the unexpected yet relatable delivery of each line, like when she delivers the 2nd “I knew it” in the Robot execution. So, well done to Ari and the team at Sketchbook Studios, from now on, whenever I think of the internet’s insides, I’ll picture it like this. Willyballs and all.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Saf Sindhi, Creative Director at Ogilvy JHB

Craft Mention (Direction): April 2021
Sketchbook Studios | Talya Galasko
Lelive ‘Dear Africa’

‘Everything about this work says, “Love your skin”. It is sensual, visceral and a sheer celebration of the beauty of all types of skin. I like that this felt so fresh – like art, and that even the lighting, sound design and wardrobe choices contributed to a wholly sensorial experience.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Suhana Gordhan, ECD at Duke

Best in Craft (Direction): February 2021
Sketchbook Studios | Ari Kruger
Showmax ‘Tali’s Baby Diary’ (Trailer)

‘The most successful commercials directors in the world, whether they specialise in dramatic visuals or silly comedy, are all great storytellers. And this is a beautiful piece of storytelling and a great commercial for the show. The timing, the performances, the visual language are all perfectly tuned to make what stood out for me as the most exciting piece of work for the month. It absolutely shows us the unique voice of a talented and confident director. This is the piece of work I wish I could put on my reel.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Trevor Clarence, Director at Your Girlfriend

#3. Giant Films

Entertainment that moves people.

Best in Craft (Direction): November 2020
Giant Films | Ian Gabriel
SuperSport ‘Watch Africa Rise’

‘This was the standout film for me, as a lover of all things sports, I thought it was well crafted and not a typical ‘sports promo video’ you’d expect from Supersport. Loved how they treated the lighting and cinematography. The intercutting between archival and shot footage is seamless, and helps to tell the story in an emotive way. I also appreciate that they didn’t try and recreate something we’ve seen before, and rather went for something unique, that stands out. This piece is a reminder why Ian is one of the great custodians of this commercials industry – such a fantastic leader. Everything about this film works hard. The cinematography is key. With very intentional lighting that aides the cinematography. Sound design plays its part. And the voice-over helps the spot flow.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Mpho Twala, Partner and Director at The Rudeboy Collective

Best in Craft (Direction): March 2021
Giant Films | Paul Ward
Moonga K. Ft PHFAT ‘Who’s It Gonna Be?’

‘From the opening shot I knew I was in for a treat. I just didn’t know that Paul Ward would be serving sour worms mixed with fireballs in his quest to showcase love and its mixed bag of emotions under an Afrofuturism backdrop. Every shot executed to take you through the pain and joy of love and its effects. Paul must’ve worked with an all-star crew because all the craft elements are exceptional. It’s a visual orgasm.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Neo Mashigo, Chief Creative Officer of M&C Saatchi Group South Africa

Best in Craft (Direction): March 2021
Giant Films | Paul Ward
Moonga K. Ft PHFAT ‘Who’s It Gonna Be?’

‘The visual poetry articulates the architecture of this film both externally and internally. It speaks of love as an infection, a rejection and then redemption. Remarkable film-making.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Charmaine Greyling, Co-Founder and VFX Artist at Strangelove Studios

Craft Mention (Direction): January 2021
Giant Films | Ian Gabriel
Glo ‘Football’

‘A very close second place for Best in Craft was Ian Gabriel’s ‘Football’ spot for Glo. It put a smile on my face. I loved the irreverent style of the visuals tied together by good old-fashioned storytelling; the combination created something fun and engaging to watch. The idea is something we’ve seen many times before, which would have made it even harder for Ian to find those original moments that keep surprising the audience throughout. That’s good direction.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Chloe Coetsee, director at Darling Films


We are ROMANCE, a Cape Town-based production company with both an international and local focus. We make commercials, music videos, and creative content. Above all else, we put creative work first.

Best in Craft (Direction): November 2021
Romance | Greg Gray
Soul Bites ‘Lotto’

‘All the spots, in this series, are pure fun and action-packed with so much story and attention to detail in such a short space of time. They’re visually rich and beautifully textured with really awesome performances. The Lotto one is my fav. Greg transports you distinctly into this very imaginative world, where every frame is humorous eye candy drawing you in and never missing a beat. Every watch is entertaining and leaves you yearning for more.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Kabelo Moshapalo, Chief Creative Officer Ogilvy Johannesburg

Craft Mention (Direction): November 2021
Romance | Greg Gray
Soul Bites ‘Loanshark’

‘What more can you say about Greg; cinematic excellence, pitch-perfect comedy and a great cast. Greg has a way of making even the smallest ideas look epic. He gives scale to the mundane, and this is no different. A simple story but it feels like a movie. I’ve been a fan of Greg since I can remember and it surprises me how year in and year out he keeps making great work. His consistency is admirable and an example to all of us.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Tebza, Director at The Star Film Company.

Best in Craft (Direction): October 2021
Romance Films | Greg Gray
Chicken Licken ‘Feel the Fire’

‘As always, faultless comedic timing, impeccable performance and cinematic attention to detail makes me award this month’s IDIDTHAT Craft Best to director Greg Gray for Chicken Licken “Feel The Fire”. What more can I say…as always, the craft behind the work you and your team produce is inspiring Greg. Nuff said….’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Kim Geldenhuys, Director at 0307

Craft Mention (Direction): October 2021
Romance Films | Greg Gray
Chicken Licken ‘Feel the Fire’

‘Chicken Licken and Greg Gray are no strangers to these woods, so I’ll be brief. “Feel The Fire” has all the hallmarks of a great ad. The cast is amazing, the art department is double nailed, the cinematography is world class and the story unfolds in a masterclass of attention to detail. So why only a special mention? Controversy alert. I think some directors are in a league of their own and don’t really compete with anyone except themselves. Don’t get me wrong, this is an amazing film by all accounts. It’s also classic Greg Gray. I would have loved Greg on a rocket kicking intergalactic ass, drop the mic or camera kind of stuff. It’s the standard he set.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Tseliso Rangaka, Chief Creative Officer FCB Joburg

Craft Mention (Direction): June 2021
Romance | Greg Gray
Nedbank ‘The Anti-Advertising Advertising Campaign’

‘This campaign directed by Greg Gray just shows off his amazing skills at shooting just about anything. The campaign just oozes luxury and each genre of film is a directing marvel as Greg nails each pastiche, but in a subtle way gives each film his own trademark touches. Having seen Greg at work, I know the amount of detail and work he puts into every project and this was a huge campaign excellently executed.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Adam Howard, Owner, Composer and Engineer at Howard Audio

Craft Mention (Direction): March 2021
Romance | Jabu Nadia Newman
NOWNESS ‘The Dream That Refused Me’

‘It’s beautiful to see Africans represented in an unapologetically beautiful way that looks into the future of what is possible for the African narrative. Jabu patiently pulls us into the story allowing enough space for the images from the past, present and future to live together seamlessly. The Director takes through different worlds as if one is flipping through channels of new aesthetics of the African diaspora. This short film had me thinking about value of not boxing Africa into a singular.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Neo Mashigo, Chief Creative Officer of M&C Saatchi Group South Africa

#5. Bioscope Films

We have a wide range of very talented and diverse directors who shoot tv ads, music videos, web series, feature films and content.

Best in Craft (Direction): October 2021
Bioscope Films | Jason Fialkov
ACG ‘Make It Better’

‘I had never heard of ACG before this film. And I probably never will, unless Jason Fialkov directs another one. I have a recoil reflex to popping pills but I get that a lot of people depend on medication to have the semblance of a life. I also appreciate how difficult it must have been to direct a script that attempts to put human warmth into essentially a pharmaceutical company’s brand ad. Yet “Make It Better” is top to tail an authentic human story. I like the clever use of vantage. The protagonist carries her role well and one actually believes she’s getting better. The whole thing is well thought through and meticulously executed. ‘
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Tseliso Rangaka, Chief Creative Officer FCB Joburg

Best in Craft (Cinematography): September 2021
DOP | Fabian Vettiger (Entered on behalf of Fabian by Bioscope Films)
Spotify Premium ‘Unleash The Sounds’

‘There is an artistic, dynamic, raw, real and contemporary camera language throughout this spot. The fluidity and constant movement of the camera creates more intimacy and connection with the viewer. It draws you in and you feel like you are dancing and moving with the lead. This spot shows how camera language is a true art form and when applied well, can be used to express and communicate a feeling. Truly beautiful.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Roanna Williams, Chief Creative Officer of Net#work BBDO

Best in Craft (Direction): August 2021
Bioscope Films | Fausto Becatti
Spotify Premium ‘Unleash’

‘Fausto’s Spotify clinched it for me. Mainly because of overall attention to detail as a director, and a true understanding of the end product. There’s no real conceptual idea, but for a music platform, it’s exactly on point. Everything from the choice of shots, the lighting, editing, and in particular, the locations, were huge contributors to making a slick and well thought through piece. Well done Fausto for excelling in the directing and mastering of these facets.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Alan Irvin, Director & Co-Owner at They Shoot Films

Craft Mention (Direction): August 2021
Bioscope Films | Fausto Becatti
Spotify Premium ‘Unleash’

‘Fausto’s Unleash for Spotify Premium is a gritty, raw, authentic and energetic piece of entertainment that is easy to watch and easier to love. My agency did work on this, just wanted to call that out.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Peter Khoury, Chief Creative Officer at TBWA \ Hunt Lascaris

#6. 7 Films

We love what we do.

Craft Mention (Direction): December 2021
7 Films | Kevin Fitzgerald

‘The balance between the fast paced lifestyle we all lead these days and the simple life we strive to attain is very clear in the two chapters of this film. For such an iconic South African brand it pushes the boundaries and the graphics/animation are great in adding a frenzied modern touch. This was a brave move and successfully executed. A polished piece of work.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Mark Ash, Senior Editor at LUDUS Post Productions

Best in Craft (Direction & Editing): January 2021
7Films | SJ Myeza (Director)
7Films | James O’ Sullivan (Editor)
‘The Letter’ (Short Film)

‘I wasn’t expecting to be brought to tears on a Sunday morning but The Letter absolutely floored me. I loved everything about it, from the way the various pieces of film from SJ’s commercials and projects have been seamlessly cut together to tell one story, to the way the voice was directed. It’s a powerful piece of film for an absolutely amazing initiative.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: PJ Eales, ECD at Machine_

#7. Carbon Films

Carbon Films is a creatively obsessed production company representing award-winning directors. We love great ideas and have the experience and talent pool to bring them to life.

Best in Craft (Direction): April 2021
Carbon Films | Bruno Bossi
KFC Box Meals Campaign ‘Run, Strike, Late’

‘The KFC Box Meals campaign is the kind of joy that demands repeat watching. The director could have overindulged here, milking performances and ‘hamming it up’. I like that restraint was applied and that the actors’ performances gave you just enough to want more. The food enjoyment is not hidden away and beautifully instigates the responses of the people caught in slow motion. Every choice was well considered – from art direction, to wardrobe, to music – resulting in the kind of effortless reward you want when watching a commercial.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Suhana Gordhan, ECD at Duke.

Best in Craft (Direction): January 2021
Carbon Films | Daniel Morcos
‘Set Your Heart Free’ (Short Film)

‘This spot makes you work for it, and I like that! In a spoon-fed commercial world it was great to get a sense of something before making sense of it. I love how the voice drifts through the contrasting visuals, creating a tension and offbeat pace. It’s evocative and playful and cool.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Chloe Coetsee, director at Darling Films

#7. The Rudeboy Collective

A dynamic, agile, full-service commercial and film production company based in Joburg and Cape Town.

Craft Mention (Direction): October 2021
The Rudeboy Collective | Monde Gumede
Wikipedia ‘Forwarded Many Times’

‘This one caught my attention. I like that it drew me in and triggered a feeling. It’s a conversation starter and raises an awareness to be more cognizant of what we put out into the public domain, and that is part of the craft of the director. To use his voice to raise awareness and get messages across that he/she feels strongly about. I like that Monde wrote it himself. I liked the pace, the edit and the audio choices. Well done Monde.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Kim Geldenhuys, Director at 0307

Craft Mention (Direction): January 2021
The Rudeboy Collective | Monde Gumede
DSTV Internet ‘Connection’ (Directors Cut)

‘Entertainment. Ads that entertain have been a driving force in our ad world for so long. Lately, the link between the entertainment and the product has become more tenuous with pure entertainment overriding the product offering. However with DSTV serving up entertainment as its main product this spot by Monde links the two perfectly. A well-handled narrative with great characters and just the right dose of pun and punch round off this genre piece.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Bruno Bossi, Director and Owner of Carbon Films

Craft Mention (Direction): June 2021
The Rudeboy Collective | Mpho Twala & Vusi Twala
Inverroche ‘Pioneers Of The Present’

‘Brand AV’s or company manifesto films can at best be quite sterile, but this film by Mpho Twala and Vusi Twala is a beautiful capture of the essence of the Inveroche brand. We get taken on a sensual journey and the direction is just spot on. As you watch the film, you can even taste and smell the environment as Mpho and Vusi get our senses going. I really felt I got to know the brand more intimately because of this. A beautifully executed film where the directors manage to take us on a journey where the brand message doesn’t get forced. Even having the founder of Inveroche involved didn’t feel contrived and instead actually added sincerity to the film.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Adam Howard, Owner, Composer and Engineer at Howard Audio

Best in Craft (Direction): February 2021
The Rudeboy Collective | Monde Gumede
Shekhinah ‘FIXATE’ (Music Film)

‘Like the song title, this film had me fixated throughout. Monde exploits the surrealness of emotions like hurt, loneliness and regret in a way that still leaves you smiling. His transitions are slick. The camera movement is simple yet engaging and at some point it even feels like the camera is inviting its subject to dance with it. The two-in-one music video combo can often go so wrong, but nothing feels out of place in this film.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Thibedi Meso, ECD & Partner at Brave Group

#7. They

They is an award-winning production company based in Johannesburg, South Africa. They specialises in commercials, branded content and anything else that is interesting in the world of filmmaking.

Craft Mention (Direction): December 2021
They | Wandile Xaba
Rent A Store ‘Santiago’

‘For a piece shot on a shoestring, and let’s be honest, in this pandemic those are becoming the norm, I really enjoyed this piece. It’s a charming story of an Argentinian Expat who stores his skiing equipment in the hopes that it will one day snow in Joburg. Story aside, I found the performances really charming and believable. And if they are really non-actors, then even more reason for Wandile to get a special mention for Direction. The temptation often is to over complicate things with loads of cuts and editing techniques, but this piece didn’t try too hard. It’s just an entertaining, understated piece that allowed the story to shine. Nice one, They and Wandile.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Steph van Niekerk, Creative Director at Grey/WPP Liquid

Best in Craft (Direction): April 2021
They | Alan Irvin
Momentum ‘Giant’

‘What I really liked about Alan’s treatment of this story was the level of intrigue he was able to create by holding back on information. That opening shot hooked me and with a wonderfully balanced use of considered visual storytelling and soaring soundtrack he kept me intrigued right until the pay off line. From the cinematography to the smart visual effects, it’s the type of direction that employs many elements to bring the storytelling to the fore. He did an excellent job of focusing on the character’s journey and by so doing, took me on an emotive one.
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Greg Rom, Director at Gentlemen Films

Craft Mention (Direction): January 2021
They | Mel Ismail
Wimpy/Engen ‘The Next Stop’ (Directors Cut)

‘There was a lot of really emotional work entered this time round so this spot for Wimpy by Mel Ismail was like a breath of fresh air. I actually hadn’t seen the spot before this and the joke reveal made me laugh out loud, so much so that I watched it over and over again. The performances from mom and dad are fantastic, but Mel has done some incredible work in the way she directed the little girl, her facial expressions and the little nuances that Mel coaxed out of her are simply sublime.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: PJ Eales, ECD at Machine_

#10. Sinister Studio

Sinister Studio is a high-end Visual Effects, Virtual Reality and Animation studio based in Johannesburg, South Africa. We specialise in technical projects and assist directors in the planning and shooting of these projects.

Best in Craft (VFX): April 2021
Sinister Studio | Christian Van Der Walt & Novak Miler
Momentum ‘Giant’

‘I felt it would be impossible to separate the direction from the visual effects on this job because they are inexorably linked. For that reason I have chosen Sinister Studios as a joint Craft Best. Sinister was able to seamlessly tie together the tricky challenges that come with scale-sized sets, motion control rigs and large actors. Impressive stuff!’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Greg Rom, Director at Gentlemen Films

Craft Mention (VFX): April 2021
Sinister Studio | Christian Van Der Walt & Novak Miler
Momentum ‘Giant’

‘I appreciate the mathematical brain bending that took place in this commercial to achieve the right scale of the Gentle Giant. It’s clear that some serious craft and attention to minute detail went into this piece, ensuring that it was as authentic and yet, as magical as possible.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Suhana Gordhan, ECD at DUKE

IDIDTHAT Guest Judges 2021

Thank you to all these judges for awarding the best in South African Production Craft for 2020! Just look at these headshots – judges today, runway models tomorrow!

January 2021 Craft Awards – View
PJ Eales, ECD of Machine_ Cape Town
Chloe Coetsee, Director at Darling Films

February 2021 Craft Awards – View
Thibedi Meso, ECD Partner at Brave Group
Trevor Clarence, Director and Partner at Your Girlfriend.

March 2021 Craft Awards – View
Neo Mashigo, Chief Creative Officer of M&C Saatchi Group South Africa
Charmaine Greyling, Co-Founder and VFX Artist at Strangelove Studios

April 2021 Craft Awards – View
Suhana Gordhan, ECD at Duke
Greg Rom, Director at Gentlemen Films

May 2021 Craft Awards – View
Safaraaz Sindhi, Creative Director at Ogilvy JHB
Anton Visser, Director and Co-owner at Patriot Films

June 2021 Craft AwardsView
Megan Perks, Executive Creative Director of Joe Public United
Adam Howard, Owner, Composer and Engineer of Howard Audio

July 2021 Craft Awards – View
Neo Segola, Chief Creative Officer of Draftline JNB
Mpho Twala, Partner and Director at The Rudeboy Collective

August 2021 Craft Awards – View
Peter Khoury, Chief Creative Officer at TBWA \ Hunt Lascaris
Alan Irvin, Director & Co-owner at They Shoot Films

September 2021 Craft Awards – View
Roanna Williams, Chief Creative Officer of Net#work BBDO
Bruno Bossi, Director and Owner of Carbon Films

October 2021 Craft Awards – View
Tseliso Rangaka, CCO at FCB Joburg and Hellocomputer
Kim Geldenhuys, Director at 0307

November 2021 Craft Awards – View
Kabelo Moshapalo, Chief Creative Officer Ogilvy Johannesburg
Tebza, Director at The Star Film Company

December 2021 Craft Awards – View
Steph van Niekerk, Creative Director at Grey/WPP Liquid
Mark Ash, Senior Editor at LUDUS Post Productions

If you would like your craft judged each month, by incredibly talented and sexy humans, sign up here and have your work shared with the industry.

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