Meet South Africa’s Cannes Lions Judges 2024

Being selected as a judge at Cannes is a massive achievement. It’s a testament to the respect the industry has for you on an international scale. We know that while a lot of us will be basking in the glitz and canapes Cannes has to offer, these judges will be toiling away in dark rooms, sifting through all the entries to identify the most outstanding work the world has to offer. Not to mention the Cannes Lions Shortlist judges who already had to work overtime and in between their own pitches back home! We see you, and we salute you.

IDIDTHAT Craft Awards December 2023

This month’s Craft Awards were judged by the ever red-carpet ready Jacquie Mullany, ECD at FCB Africa & Bruno Bossi, Director at Carbon Films. Congratulations to VFX maestros Eddie Addinall and Rory Mark from The Refinery and directing wizard Greg Rom from Gentlemen Films.

IDIDTHAT Craft Awards October

This month’s Craft Awards were judged by the superbly talented all-seeing all-knowing oracles that are Jacquie Mullany, Creative Director at HelloFCB+ and Grant De Sousa, Director at They. Congratulations to Slim from Darling Films for his skillfully crafty work on Chicken Licken *clapping wildly.