IDIDTHAT Craft Awards April 2024

Best in Craft awarded to team for Chicken Licken ‘Dave ‘Legs of Thunder’ Mgijimi’

This month’s Craft Awards were judged by our forever reigning queens Juliet Honey, Creative Director at TBWA Hunt Lascaris and Justine Puren-Calverley, Director at FirstPencil. We bow in awe because wow, this was a particularly tough month with some really strong work! Chicken Licken takes it! Congratulations to the team behind the spot Dave ‘Legs of Thunder’ Mgijimi.

‘What are the Craft Awards?’ Every month we team up with ad industry leaders to award the finest in South African film and production craft across these different categories: Direction, Editing, Cinematography, Animation and VFX, Online, Original Sound, Sound Design and Final Mix. It’s just another way that we make it ridiculously easy to stay up-to-date with who’s doing the best work in the country.

Chicken Licken ‘Dave ‘Legs of Thunder’ Mgijimi’

Plank Films | Peter Pohorsky (Direction Craft)
Strangelove Studios | Xander Vander (Editing Craft)
Pressure Cooker (Original Music Craft)
Strangelove Studios | Nic Apostoli (Grade Craft)
Strangelove Studios | Charmaine Greyling, Zaheer Seedat, Sinister Studio, Christian van der Walt, Gusto Group, Albertus Bodenstein (VFX Craft)
*Entered on behalf of Pressure Cooker (original music) by Plank Films.
*Entered on behalf of Sinister Studio by Strangelove Studios.

Awarded by Juliet Honey, Creative Director at TBWA Hunt Lascaris

Plank Films | Peter Pohorsky (Direction Craft)
Strangelove Studios | Xander Vander (Editing Craft)
Pressure Cooker (Original Music Craft)
*Entered on behalf of Pressure Cooker (original music) by Plank Films.

Awarded by Justine Puren-Calverley, Director at FirstPencil

‘I was sucked into the story right from the start, meeting our hero and then being rewarded along the way with some excellently dumb jokes (‘finishing the treadmill’ being my personal favourite). The larger-than-life story and proud narration held the commercial together and the messaging was clear. When you don’t stand a chance, give them Chicken Licken. All in all, a feel-good piece, beautifully crafted and I can feel how much fun was had on set and in the edit suite. Editing, grade and music all elevated the craft to make Mr Mgijimi so memorable. Well done to everyone involved.’

– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Juliet Honey, Creative Director at TBWA Hunt Lascaris

‘April was a killer month for commercials. The sheer scope of tones, genres, and styles was overwhelming, and the level of craft was incredibly inspiring.  So many of these pieces felt like the “grand old ads of yore”. They are a joy to watch.
Ultimately, however, it all came down to the Barbenheimer of the South African industry – KFC vs Chicken Licken.
The scale of the works is SO big and the craft that went into both pieces is so remarkable that it’s a pretty impossible choice.
But here goes: ‘

Direction: Peter Pohorsky
‘I have always loved Peter’s work; his approach to comedy shines through in this hilariously absurd piece. You can feel the amount of brainstorming that went into these scenes. Every shot and every detail is geared towards strengthening the joke.’

Editing: Xander Vander
‘Xander builds a comedy sequence that just keeps on increasing in absurdity and hilarity. Two minutes fly by.’

Original Music: Pressure Cooker
‘The old-school feel of this track works a treat and has so much comedy already built into it. So unexpected. So funny.’

– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Justine Puren-Calverley, Director at FirstPencil

KFC ‘Beyond the Sea’

0307 Films | Kim Geldenhuys (Direction Craft)
Strangelove | Nic Apostoli (Grade Craft)
*Entered on behalf of Nic (grade) by 0307 Films

Awarded by Juliet Honey, Director at TBWA Hunt Lascaris

0307 Films | Kim Geldenhuys (Direction Craft)
Strangelove | Julian Redpath (Editing Craft)
Strangelove | Nic Apostoli (Grade Craft)
0307 Films | William Boyes (Production Design Craft)
Chocolate Tribe (VFX Craft)
*Entered on behalf of William (production designer), Nic (grade), and Julian (editing) by 0307 Films

Awarded by Justine Puren-Calverley, Director at FirstPencil

Direction & Grade: (Special Mention)
‘A special mention must go to Kim Geldenhuys for KFC’s ‘Beyond the Sea’ commercial. Such a beautiful, interesting and fresh treatment for the comedy genre where we can tend to get a bit stuck in a certain look.’

– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Juliet Honey, Creative Director at TBWA Hunt Lascaris

Direction: (Special Mention) Kim Geldenhuys
‘This is what directors mean when we write “cinematic” in our treatments. It is a beautifully crafted piece on all levels and Kim makes things that we all know are incredibly difficult look effortless.’

Editing: (Special Mention) Julian Redpath
‘Julian does a great job of revealing the obsession and building the tension throughout this piece.’

Grade: Nic Apostoli
‘Well… Nic was always going to win grade craft this month and, again, choosing between the chickens is impossible, but I went for KFC. The grade creates the feel of a world that is so far from home (and chillie salt). Every frame is gorgeous.’

Production Design: William Boyes
‘The scale of this production is truly astounding. Scene after scene has big builds textured with gorgeous and gritty details that feel completely foreign, but always believable.’

VFX: Chocolate Tribe
‘I’d love to see the VFX breakdown of this piece. There are so many shots and moments that add scale – the fact that they’re invisible is tres impressive.’

– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Julstine Puren-Calverley, Director at FirstPencil

KFC ‘Dangerously Distracting’
Bioscope Films | Fausto Becatti

Awarded by Juliet Honey

Direction: (Special Mention) Fausto Becatti
‘Fausto’s Dangerously Distracting KFC piece also put a smile on my face for its complex simplicity. Or maybe it’s simple complexity. Either way, nicely done.’

– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Juliet Honey, Creative Director at TBWA Hunt Lascaris

‘Forever Wena’
Romance | Jabu Nadia Newman

Awarded by Justine Puren-Calverley

Direction: (Special Mention) Jabu Nadia Newman
‘Jabu captured such beautiful and believable relationships/performances in this piece. She takes a script that packs a lot of very specific information and scripted sequences and manages to make it all feel so very natural. It is a feast of diversity (on so many levels) in a way that never feels forced and always fresh.’

– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Justine Puren-Calverley, Director at FirstPencil


Juliet Honey, Creative Director at TBWA Hunt Lascaris
Juliet began her career at TBWA Hunt Lascaris as a studio assistant back when BlackBerry’s were still a thing. She believes that the late nights, spray glue fumes and working with some of the best advertising minds in the country gave her the perfect foundation for her career. Since then, she has worked at some of Joburgs top agencies and pretty much on all the brands you get. Libresse Vagina Varsity is a piece of work that she is very proud of. Her favourite things are humans, problem solving and beautiful ideas.

Justine Puren-Calverley, Director at FirstPencil
Justine is a founding member/owner and director at FirstPencil.
Her work is characterised by natural and warm performances from children and adults alike. Her curiosity and love of all things new shine through in her more conceptual pieces and automotive work. Justine’s unique ability to evoke sincere performances coupled with her extreme attention and love for detail has allowed her to create a varied and extensive folio.
Over the past 9 years, she has worked on projects ranging from subtle and warm performance pieces to complex visual effects, documentaries and even Fashion Shows. She has won numerous awards including Cannes Lions, Loeries, The Bookmarks, Kantar Best Liked Ads, Ciclope and The New Generation.

All Craft Entries

Bioscope Films | Fausto Becatti
KFC ‘Unexpected Heat’
(Direction Craft)

Darling | Slim
Nedbank ‘Unexpected Connections’ (Director’s Cut) (Direction Craft)

Darling | Chloe Coetsee
Uber Eats ‘Get Anything’ (Director’s Cut) (Direction Craft)

Giant Films | Hana Sho
Cape of Good Hope SPCA ‘Anyone Can Be A Hero – Call Centre’
(Direction Craft)

Giant Films | Hana Sho
Cape of Good Hope SPCA ‘Anyone Can Be A Hero – Mobile Clinic’
(Direction Craft)

Giant Films | Hana Sho
Cape of Good Hope SPCA ‘Anyone Can Be A Hero – Vet Hospital’
(Direction Craft)

Spitfire Films | Katlego Baaitse
Chicken Licken ‘Baba Valentino’
(Direction Craft)

Spitfire Films | AK, Hloni
Lula ‘Arrive Better, Do Better’
(Direction Craft)

Your Girlfriend | Morgan Dingle
Checkers Liquorshop & Ignite ‘Clapperboard’ (Direction Craft)

Marc Algranti Music | Marc Algranti
KFC ‘Beyond The Sea’
(Music Supervision & Music Production Craft)

Howard Audio | Adam Howard
Vodacom ’30 Years – Wonderful World’
(Final Mix Craft)

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