Burger King ‘Small Pleasures – Traffic, Telesales, Date, Taxi’ Amisha Zanetti2025-01-15T21:33:09+02:00
Wimpy ‘Lost In Translation – u-Siri uhlulwa sisiXhosa, u Google Assistant uhlulwa yisiZulu, Siri o reng’ Amisha Zanetti2025-01-15T21:32:54+02:00
Pineapple ‘The radio campaign that cut… – Me Again, Update, Good News Amisha Zanetti2025-01-15T21:32:54+02:00
Hansa Pilsener ‘There’s a beer for you – Okrrr, What’s Gucci, Spill the Tea’ Amisha Zanetti2025-03-12T13:29:43+02:00
Amnesty International South Africa ‘Scan The Scar – Zama, Charmaine, Amy’ Amisha Zanetti2025-03-12T13:17:43+02:00
Castle Milk Stout ‘The Great SA Falstory – Bhambhatha Rebellion, Nongqawuse, Mzilikazi’ Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:32:17+02:00
Automark South Africa ‘Math Juggler, Math Queen, Uncle Sgubu’ Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:32:18+02:00
Nando’s ‘Always Affordable Prego – Fake Forex, Fake Weave, Fake Yeezy’s’ Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:32:19+02:00
Chicken Licken ‘Think Small. Think Slider. – It’s Fine, It’s Nice, It’s Okay’ Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:32:21+02:00
Nissan South Africa ‘Shwii: Nqola yamalahle, Gandaganda, Nisipo enensila, iZulu, Sthuthuthu’ – Radio Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:33:37+02:00
Savanna ‘Savanna Savatical: Take A Savatical’ – Radio Campaign Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:33:37+02:00
The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation ‘The Zimele Racism reporting app’ – Radio Campaign Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:33:38+02:00
KFC Click and Collect ‘Skip the person in the queue’ – Radio Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:33:38+02:00
Aware.org Alcohol awareness and education ‘Passengers’ – Radio Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:24:13+02:00
Carling Black Label ‘Disclaimer Ads: Suicide, Hospitalised, Beating’ Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:23:51+02:00
Chicken Licken ‘Up To You: Buns, Sol Kerzner, O Shapile Fatshe’ – Radio Anne in the Studio2025-02-14T06:23:29+02:00
Chicken Licken ‘What are we singing? – Thuli, Mangwane Mpulele, Pitoria’ Studio2025-02-14T06:20:24+02:00
Savanna ‘#SavannaForExcellence – Private Jet, First Class, Five Stars’ Studio2025-02-14T06:20:23+02:00
Jet ‘A Basic Life – Life of a Secret Sock, Life of a Handkerchief, Life of a Bra’ Studio2025-02-14T06:19:38+02:00
Jet ‘Sdudla Monologue; Sdudla Ke Mang?, Ungenaphi Ebududleni Bami?, Sikhuluphele sibaningi? Studio2025-02-14T06:17:43+02:00
Boerenmeisje Onderklere ‘Try Something New; Private Dancer, Role Play, Animal Instincts’ Studio2025-02-14T06:17:43+02:00
Chicken Licken Rock My Soul 3 Straight ‘Welcome to Inner Peace Country – The Pronunciation Song’ Studio2025-02-14T06:17:10+02:00
Flight Centre Student Flights ‘World Gone Mad – Climate Change, Knowledge, A.I’ Studio2025-02-14T06:09:17+02:00
Volkswagen Brake Assist ‘People Can’t Stop Themselves – PC, Funeral, Stalker’ Studio2025-02-14T06:09:15+02:00