Best in Craft awarded to Directors Thina Zibi & Thea Small and Cinematographer Josh Levi

This month’s Craft Awards were judged by Verona Meyer, Executive Creative Director at M&C Saatchi Abel and Mzonke Maloney, Director at Carbon Films. Congratulations Directors, Thina Zibi from Triple Story Content and Thea Small from Darling Films, as well as Cinematographer Josh Levi. Thank you judges for your expertise and to everyone who contributed to this month’s work. Here’s to a great year for craft in South Africa, let’s keep pushing team!

‘What are the Craft Awards?’ Every month we team up with ad industry leaders to award the finest in South African film and production craft across these different categories: Direction, Editing, Cinematography, Animation and VFX, Online, Original Sound, Sound Design and Final Mix. It’s just another way that we make it ridiculously easy to stay up-to-date with who’s doing the best work in the country. 


KFC ‘Clever Box’

Director: Thina Zibi | Triple Story Content
Cinematographer: Josh Levi
*Entered by Triple Story Content on behalf of Josh Levi

Awarded by Verona Meyer

Judge’s comment: ‘This ad is so fresh for the category. The restraint shown in the treatment amplifies the concept of being thoughtful, considered and boxing clever. It’s a welcome change from traditional fast-food commercials that are loud, overly energetic and sell hard. Everything from the casting and cinematography to the music and narration had a touch of refinement you just don’t expect from retail ads. Lovely work, Thina.’ – Verona Meyer, Executive Creative Director at M&C Saatchi Abel

Savanna ”Dumbell’, ‘Demure’ and ‘5am” (Director’s Cut)
Darling Films | Thea Small

Awarded by Mzonke Maloney

Awarded by Verona Meyer

Judge’s comment: ‘I really Love Thea’s Savanna pieces. They feel concise, with simple but clear insights. It’s a great example of how effective quintessential ad work like this can be. They’re not talking to everyone at the same time, the focus is laser sharp. The casting and performance are wonderful, the characters are immediately recognisable, and each scenario unnervingly familiar. The comedy is subtle and sophisticated and they do well to avoid the stereotypically high pitched, fast talking comedy voice trope that seems unfortunately endemic to South African ads. Each word here feels like it lands exactly where it ought to, aligning carefully with the piece’s elegant camera work. This series of ads make the product the point even in its absence, showing up at the very end but never feeling like it’s missing. Thea has her hand on the dial all the way through, tuning everything to perfection. – Mzonke Maloney, Director at Carbon Films

Judge’s comment: ‘I thought this campaign deserved a mention because it’s so refreshing in its simplicity. There’s nowhere for a director to hide with a script like this – everything hinges on the performance, and I think Thea did a great job of delivering really charming characters and smiles all round. – Verona Meyer, Executive Creative Director at M&C Saatchi Abel


Four Seasons ‘Hong Kong’
Bioscope Films | Jessie Zinn

Awarded by Mzonke Maloney

Judge’s comment: ‘Jessie Zinn’s Four Seasons Hong Kong piece does exactly what a travel piece should do. It’s full of style, beauty and movement. It’s aesthetically enticing with the rich colours and beautiful lensing. For everything it accomplishes in style and look, it also accomplishes, in equal measure, in its level of filmmaking prowess. It lets you know, off the bat, that someone with real technical and story sensibilities is in charge. Beautifully orchestrated work, finding subtle ways to create scale while centring characters and micro narratives that stitch together throughout the piece to tell a much bigger story about the culture, food and spirit of Hong Kong.’


Verona Meyer, Executive Creative Director at M&C Saatchi Abel
Verona is an award-winning creative with almost two decades of local and international industry experience. She is currently an Executive Creative Director at M&C Saatchi Abel.

Mzonke Maloney, Director at Carbon Films
Mzonke Maloney is a writer and director, based in Cape Town. His work places a particular focus on strong character-centric storytelling, humour and a playfulness. Mzonke continues to develop his voice in way reflects a genuine love for craft & cinema. Having joined Carbon in 2017, Mzonke has gone on to direct a number of ad pieces as well as films that have played at multiple film festivals both here at home and abroad. Mzonke is a rostered director and partner at Carbon Films.


Craft Entered: Direction

Company: 7 Films
Director: Tshimo ‘TEEMS’ Molefe

Craft Entered: Direction

Company: 7 Films
Director: Lourens van Rensburg

Craft Entered: Direction

Company: Spitfire Films
Director: Katlego Baaitse

Craft Entered: Direction

Company: Spitfire Films
Director: Paul Ramaema

Craft Entered: Direction

Company: OLAMUK
Director: Mzi Kumalo

Craft Entered: Direction

Company: Together Films
Director: Bevan Cullinan

Craft Entered: Cinematography Craft

Company: 7 Films
Cinematographer: Lourens van Rensburg

Craft Entered: Cinematography Craft

Company: Entered by OLAMUK on behalf of Ebrahim Hajee
Cinematographer: Ebrahim Hajee

Craft Entered: Editing Craft

Company: Entered by Spitfire Films on behalf of Gareth James
Editor: Gareth James

Craft Entered: Editing Craft

Company: Entered by OLAMUK  on behalf of Nic Goodwin
Editor: Nic Goodwin

Craft Entered: Online – Grade Craft

Company: Entered by Spitfire Films on behalf of Bradley Glossop
Grade: Bradley Glossop

Craft Entered: Online – Grade Craft

Company: Entered by OLAMUK on behalf of Nic Apostoli
Grade: Nic Apostoli