Your Girlfriend Director Morgan Dingle talks about working with Nicolas Cage and the secret to advertising.

Your Girlfriend Director Morgan Dingle talks about working with Nicolas Cage and the secret to advertising.

iDidTht: What’s the most important thing to you when approaching a script?
Morgan Dingle: My first concern is ‘what’s the best way to deliver this idea?’ I don’t want people to see the work and say ‘great direction’, I want them to say ‘great ad’. And as latecomers to the party, we can also sometimes forget the long journey a script takes through research, client approval, etc., so I like to ask the creative team what the original draft of the idea was and how much of that they would like put back in.

iDidTht: What was it like working with Nicolas Cage?
Morgan Dingle: Um, I think there’s been some mistake. I’ve never worked with Nicolas Cage.

iDidTht: Have you ever met Nicolas Cage?
Morgan Dingle: No.

iDidTht: If you’ve never met Nicolas Cage, then why do we have a photo of you and Nicolas Cage?

Morgan Dingle: I have no idea. It’s a bit worrying actually, did you guys make that?

iDidTht: What are your 3 favourite Nicolas Cage films?
Morgan Dingle: Anything before the hair plugs, I guess. I liked him in Face Off, especially the parts where he was played by John Travolta. Con Air, because who doesn’t want to see Buff Jesus fight terrorists? And I also absolutely love The Wickerman since I adopted “Not the bees!” as my life’s philosophy.

iDidTht: What do you imagine Nicolas Cage’s favourite Nicolas Cage film is?
Morgan Dingle: It would have to be something old, because I doubt even Nicolas Cage still watches Nicolas Cage films. Maybe City of Angels because Meg Ryan got smooshed by that truck leaving him as the only A-list star in the picture. Oh, shit, spoilers.

iDidTht: Would you like to hear a joke about Nicolas Cage?
Morgan Dingle: I really wouldn’t.

iDidTht: Do you have any questions for us about Nicolas Cage?
Morgan Dingle: I most definitely do not.

iDidTht: What’s your favourite thing about Nicolas Cage?
Morgan Dingle: Do you want to talk about anything else? Like besides Nicolas Cage?

iDidTht: What’s the secret to advertising?
Morgan Dingle: Not the bees.

Even though we love Morgan Dingle’s work, there was definitely a severe lack of Nicolas Cage, but we’ve fixed that for you! Here are five of our favourite Morgan Dingle spots, now with MORE NICOLAS CAGE!

Toyota ‘Ouma’

Lotto ‘Katee’

Disprin ‘Stevovo’

Tropika ‘Tony’

VW ‘Drive In’

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Executive Producer: Linda Bogle

Produced by the iDidTht Content Studio
Credits: Anne Hirsch / Julie Maunder / Morgan Dingle

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