D&AD 2024 – View showcase
One Show 2024 – View showcase

The brief from Allan Gray is always consistent – tell a beautiful story about time and the value of long-term investing. What made it extra special and important this time was that Allan Gray, having taken on their first clients in 1973, would be celebrating its 50th Anniversary. So an added layer in that the company itself has stood the test of time.

The world of investment is not unlike the worlds of fashion or music, the popular trends and styles of the day come and go, and eventually everything comes around. We’ve seen a recent resurgence of vinyl as a musical format and the same can be said for jazz as a musical genre. Although it went underground or off the radar for a long time, jazz has enjoyed a resurgence in recent years with a burgeoning hip scene across the globe.
To celebrate our 50th anniversary, we told the story of a jazzman that starts his journey on the top of his game, but the world of music moves on to rock n roll, soul, disco, hip hop and eventually the electronic dance music that rules the airwaves today, leaving him behind. Staying true to the long-term investment values of Allan Gray, our jazzman sticks with his instrument, shows persistence and perseverance, and gives it time, which in the end pays off handsomely.

Agency: (Non Member Credits)
Animation Company: The Refinery
Animator: Eddie Addinall
Cinematography: Rory O’Grady
Film Production Company: Patriot Films
Film Director: Sam Coleman
Film Executive Producer: Zayd Halim
Producer: Boris Vossgatter
Editing Company: Priest
Editor: Matthew Swanepoel
Music Composer: (No Member Credits)
Music Supervisor: (No Member Credits)
Sound Designer: (No Member Credits)
VFX Operator: Rory Mark, Eddie Addinall
Production Facility: The Refinery
Recording Studio: (No Member Credits)

*If your company collaborated on this project and you’re not featured, please contact and we’ll help you become a member.