Trophy Stout ‘Reclaim Your DNA’

Cannes Lions 2023 –
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Trophy Stout needs to stand out as a proudly Nigerian brand against its largest competitor Guinness. Most campaigns are focused around either football or music. We focused on an earned media campaign.

A public participation campaign in partnership with the Nigerian National Commission for Museums and Monuments to pressurise institutions into returning stolen artefacts.

Most Nigerians can’t access our stolen history. So we turned every Trophy Stout touch point into an access point and asked Nigerians to scan QR codes to reclaim our cultural DNA. This unlocked a digital experience better than any museum. Users could explore fully interactive 3D models of the artefacts, read more about their history and see modern Nigerian artworks inspired by the originals.

Then we hit the streets of Nigeria, spreading our message and creating the world’s largest museum opening on Nigerian soil. As an act of reclamation, people were able to match our own faces to an AR database of stolen artefacts, and then tag Western museums demanding their return.

The campaigns primary purpose was to mobilise Nigerians at act through the use of earned media.

390 000+ Nigerians signed up (The largest petition in Africa to date)
150 Million earned impressions.
50 Million Nigerians reached.

But most importantly we saw 97 Benin Bronzes returned.

Brand: Trophy Stout
Agency: Dentsu Creative

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