South African director Raphadu Maphoto selected for Eyeforce’s international young creatives program

South African director Raphadu Maphoto selected for Eyeforce’s international young creatives program

The production house with offices in Amsterdam, Cape Town, and Lisbon is pleased to announce the launch of a program aimed at creating equal opportunities and breaking down barriers for young creatives within the commercial industry. From South Africa, our very own Raphadu Maphoto will be joining the program and from the Netherlands, Eyeforce has welcomed Eva Oosterveld.

Eyeforce Emerging serves as a platform to connect young talent with the senior directors and photographers from the Eyeforce roster, enabling them to gain valuable guidance during their first briefs, pitches and shoots. Through a tailored program based on individual learning goals, each emerging talent receives comprehensive support. The program encompasses various aspects of the industry, such as pitch training, fund applications and post-production knowledge.
Eyeforce, together with its network and resources, opens doors for these aspiring creatives, helping them build an impressive portfolio.

The industry has no future without young talent. This is why we think fostering and building the careers of emerging creatives is so important,’ said Linda Mertens, Film & Photography Agent at Eyeforce. ‘Through Eyeforce Emerging we can offer them a network and opportunities that are often difficult to obtain in the early stages of their careers. As an industry, we should learn to see someone’s potential beyond their portfolio.’

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for young, emerging talent with fresh perspectives in the creative field. Eyeforce recognizes this need and is committed to building people up and investing in their talent. For clients this program offers the same high-quality work, but with fresh perspectives from young creatives (not yet touched by years of briefs, pitches and treatments). Each talent is supported by a professional production team, ensuring that the final output meets the highest standards while infusing their work with new and innovative ideas.

In South Africa, Raphadu Maphoto emerges as a rising talent under the mentorship of Eyeforce co-founder, Arthur Neumeier. With Arthur’s extensive experience and industry insights, Raphadu is set to flourish as a creative force in the South African Film landscape.

‘Raphadu is a very ambitious and talented up-and-coming filmmaker who wants to learn and progress. It’s been really inspiring working with him on a documentary project that we are now shaping together. We are in the treatment phase and it’s cool to see how far ahead of the game he is in terms of his thinking and writing.’ Said Arthur Neumeier.

Through Eyeforce’s program, Raphadu will receive the guidance and support necessary to hone his skills, explore his creative value and make a lasting impact on the industry.

‘The program comes at an interesting time in my life, where I seek to transition into a young professional and harness my skill further. I have always been intrigued by psychological, raw narratives and finding meaningful connections through any visual medium. Eyeforce is a force to be reckoned with, when it comes to storytelling and their ability to produce scintillating work on a global stage – that is why I believe that they can guide me to being a better filmmaker.’ Adds Raphadu Maphoto.

Eyeforce’s commitment to empowering young creatives dates back to their involvement in running a film school in the township of Langa, Cape Town. By enabling these young individuals to tap into their abundant talent, the production house aims to play its part in bridging the gap and providing opportunities for all aspiring creatives, regardless of their background.

In the Netherlands, Eyeforce has welcomed Eva Oosterveld, a recent graduate from the renowned Dutch Film Academy to their team. Guiding Eva on her journey is Iman Whitfield, an exceptional storyteller and creative director known for her emotive approach. Together, they form a dynamic partnership, fueling Eva’s growth and pushing the boundaries of her creativity.

‘I am very excited to join the program. The program allows me to learn more about making commercials while doing so. I get to work with directors I admire, follow courses about subjects that will help me become a better director and create portfolio projects which I can build from my own mind.’ Said Eva Oosterveld.

By connecting aspiring creatives with experienced mentors, Eyeforce is fostering a global community of artists who can learn from one another and collaborate on projects that break new ground.

Contact Eyeforce

Samantha Lowe
Head of Production South Africa

View IDIDTHAT Profile
View Eyeforce Website

Produced by the IDIDTHAT Content Studio – Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

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