Produce Sound on life after rebranding as an Audio Agency
Last year Produce Sound announced that they were rebranding as a Creative Music and Audio Agency. The new model would offer agencies the opportunity to brief on audio earlier in the process allowing Produce more time to treat on a project and thus affording creatives the opportunity to take full advantage of the wealth of knowledge and expertise that the Produce team has to offer. We caught up with Produce Founder, Louis Enslin, to find out if this new approach has in fact led to better work. Spoiler…it sure has!
Louis, who was recently announced as a finalist at the MAS Awards for sound design on the latest Investec ad, is no stranger to creating great work. Produce Sound had their name on ALL the South African Radio and Audio Cannes Lions winners for 2019 #MicDrop. Louis also worked on Nare from Massiv’s Branded online film that won a Best Young Director award #DoubleMicDrop. And, as if that’s not proof enough that ‘putting the process first’ leads to better work, the Produce team nabbed 2 Grand Prix, 11 Gold, 4 Silver and 5 Bronze Awards AND 6 Craft Certificates at this year’s Loeries … Can we get an amen?!

Awards fanfare, aside, Louis took us through some examples of how the Audio Agency model benefitted clients in real life.
iDidTht: Louis, just to remind us all, what is Produce’s new offering?
Louis: Whether it’s for radio, TV or online, Produce can offer you treatments, sound solutions and audio creativity on any script. This ultimately leads to the process of creativity which leads to better work.
iDidTht: Since rebranding as an Audio Agency with a focus on a ‘better process’, how has the work you’re producing changed?
Louis: Formalising our new offering has really benefited some of our clients and the work we create here. We just want to reiterate the fact that we want to be involved from an earlier stage of the pre-production process. We offer solutions that you might not even know exist and it might just make you think in a slightly different direction.
Louis: Most award-winning campaigns benefit from our new model because it allows for experimentation. With City Lodge, what you didn’t hear were the 3 or 4 versions before that never made it – all with different pieces of music, different choirs and different lyrics. On all of those versions we were convinced that we had the final cut, but two days later we realised it could be better or that there was more we could do with it. It takes time. Time allows you to process, reflect, simmer and see if there is something better.
Louis: The Doom spots went through various iterations before it became what they are. We used a couple of different voice artists with different sound design options about three months in advance before we settled on the final ones. It’s not just about having an amazing copywriter, talented voice performer, or an experienced sound team, it’s the fact that there was a process. Process takes time and that’s how we get to create great work. Working with the right people is one part, spending the right amount of time on it is the other.
iDidTht’s Top Selects
Produce has been grafting hard on various other award-winning pieces recently and here are just some of iDidTht’s favourite picks.
MTN ‘Pizza
Investec ‘The Human Search Bar’
Investec ‘The Human Search Bar’
Philips & The Nelson Mandela Foundation ‘#ShaveToRemember’
Philips & The Nelson Mandela Foundation ‘#ShaveToRemember’
City Lodge ‘The Bat’
iDidtht: You’ve convinced us! But let’s get down to the question on everyone’s lips. How much does it cost Louis?!
Louis: It’s free!
iDidTht: Shut your beautiful mouth!
Louis: Haha. Let me put it this way; if you have an idea and you’re gonna do the job with us it’s free. I’ll put in the time because it’s part of the service we offer and it helps both of us to create better work. Idea-share will make the product better. I don’t charge for it but it’s based on the fact that Produce will do the job. Come in and even just have a coffee with me and we can chat about how to best execute your ideas.
iDidTht: Damn, that’s money in the pocket right there!
Louis: And it also just opens your mind to things that you might not have thought about. I’m caught up in the sound side of stuff, agencies are caught up in the creative or copy side of stuff, but if we start talking to each other we start unlocking ideas.
iDidTht: And that’s how you get the best work made in this country…
Louis: Exactly.
And if you’re still not convinced that creative audio solutions plus time equal better quality work then why not give Louis a shout and take him up on that coffee produce@produce.co.za
Contact Produce Sound
View Produce Sound Portfolio on iDidTht
Studio: 010 475 0200
Nelisa: +27 (0) 84 234 5044 / neli@produce.co.za
Andile: +27 (0) 83 691 0324 / andile@produce.co.za
Produced by the iDidTht Content Studio
Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder
*This content may not be reproduced or used in any part without the prior written consent of iDidTht. Reprints must credit iDidTht (iDidTht.com) as the original publisher of this editorial piece and include a link to this site.
This Editorial is paid for by Produce Sound. Want our studio to create content that puts your agency/company/kickass ad you made in bright lights for the whole industry to see? View or editorial packages or contact julie@ididtht.com and we’ll make it happen! #Boom