Discovery Insure ‘Keith & Kate’

Craft to Judge: Direction

Company: Osu Creative Production
Director: Lamar Bonhomme

A couple stuck in traffic argue about who is the better driver when Rob Byrne, the voice from the radio, settles the score by telling them who got more cash back from Discovery Insure for good driving.

A note from the director Lamar: ‘Over the past year I’ve really been refining my focus and being more intentional about the work I make. What matters most for me is telling stories by crafting audio-visual experiences rooted in authentic performances. When I arrived on set to shoot this ad I decided I would dedicate even just one shot to achieving this without compromising. This was the shot, not the establishing and closing crane, although that’s pretty cool. I mean the oner. The seamless interplay between camera and character is a thing of beauty for me, so honest, so real, there really is no reason to cut. Here’s to directing cinema 🥂 in whatever way, shape or form it presents itself.’