‘Drunk Drivers Stay For Free’ Case Film ‘Drunk drivers stay for free – Cosy Retreat’ ‘Drunk drivers stay for free – Digital Detox’ ‘Drunk drivers stay for free – A Change’
Loerie Awards 2024 – View Best of Print & Print Craft Showcase
Loerie Awards 2024 – View Best of PR & Media Campaigns
Loerie Awards 2024
Loeries Bronze | Print – Print Advertising
Loeries Bronze | Media Innovation – Single Medium
As with cigarette packaging and safe sex campaigns, South Africans ignore warnings, skip preachy videos, and are desensitised to death, especially over the holiday period when their minds are already on vacation.
But there is one thing they do fear: spending the holidays in a jail cell. So, we did what no other drunk-driving campaign has ever done; we went on holiday with them and showed up in the spaces they were looking.
‘Drunk Drivers Stay for Free’ was a guerrilla PR campaign that turned jail cells into holiday destinations. Because, for many drunk drivers over the festive season, that’s exactly where they’d end up.
In a complete departure from’s usual paid media strategy, and as a first for South Africa, we turned to the platforms holidaymakers would browse for destinations and disguised jail cells as attractive vacation spots. We executed this by using innuendos, double meanings, and multi-layered illustrations.
We also only revealed our drunk-driving message halfway through the ‘offer’ description when it was too late for readers to skip over. Just like a roadblock, there was no way to avoid these disguised destinations because you never knew where the next one would be hiding and waiting to catch you.
For a message like this, repetition was key. So, we created dozens of cleverly camouflaged ads and hid them in plain sight. Our hiding spots included travel sites, destination billboards, radio ads, local newspapers, and even carefully crafted postcards to make sure we covered different demographics throughout the country.
We knew if the idea caught the attention of someone famous, word-of-mouth would do the rest. So, we approached influencers we knew would love the campaign’s cheeky writing. We were rewarded with shares from the likes of South African television presenter and actor Maps Maponyane (1.4m followers); internet personality Phil Mphela (550.4K followers); sports anchor Thomas Mlambo (871K followers); and award-winning influencer Lindo Myeni (110K followers). All of whom posted for free.
THE RESULT: Combining guerilla PR Tactics, innovative placements, and cleverly crafted creative, ‘Drunk Drivers Stay For Free’ became a never-before-seen kind of drunk driving campaign that changed the way reached drunk drivers at the most crucial time of year – a South Africa first.
Product: Aware.Org
Brand Manager: Mokebe Thulo
CMO or Marketing Director: Carmen Mohapi
Agency: Clockwork
Chief Creative Officer: Jacques Shalom
Creative Director: Gregory Walker, Marc de la Querra
Agency Art Director: Kat Lutge
Agency Producer: Clementine Mojapelo
Account Management: Dustin Carr
Illustrator: Elio Moavero
Writer: Gregory Walker
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