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IDIDTHAT is South Africa’s number one resource to find out who’s who in the industry, what’s SA’s best work, and make it simple for our industry to find the right people to work with. From Ad Agencies, Production and Post Production Companies, Digital Agencies, to Music & Sound companies and more, IDIDTHAT is home to the best of the best in the industry.

Have a look at our Directories for companies:

Directories launching soon: Studios, Event Companies, Brand Activation, Talent Management, Location, Set Building, Costume Hire, Catering Companies, Crew Management & Equipment Hire.

Have a look at our Directories for talent:

Directories launching soon: Composers, Freelance producers, Stylists, Art Directors, Sound Designers

Think of us as your own PR company

  • Exposure:
    We only promote IDIDTHAT companies and our curated Directories put your company in front of the right people all year round.

  • Exclusivity:
    Only companies listed on IDIDTHAT are featured in our editorials and credited on the work they won. We link through to your page on IDIDTHAT so potential new clients and new talent can find out more about you right away. We follow awards like Cannes, One Show, Bookmarks, Loeries, D&AD, Creative Circle, and IDIDTHAT Craft Awards.

  • Your Hype Man:
    You can only smoke-signal your winning work so often before it gets awkward. We’ll keep the conversation going online, so you can simply do a casual retweet or repost and we’ll get the right people in the industry to sit up and take note. We high-five you in front of the whole South African creative industry.

Get Seen by South Africa's Creative Industry

Top SA companies use IDIDTHAT as their one-stop resource

We talk directly to the industry

254 000

IDIDTHAT receives over 254 000 views from South Africa’s Advertising and Production industry every year.

32 000

IDIDTHAT has 32 000 active South African users on our website every year.

21 000

IDIDTHAT has an average of 21 000 monthly page views.

Select the IDIDTHAT Directory for Your Company

* Note: Your company may fall within a few IDIDTHAT Directories.

1. IDIDTHAT Directory for:

• Film Production (Incl. Directors Directory)
• Post Production (Incl. Editors Directory)
• Music & Sound
• Animation & Special Visual Effects
• Talent Management

These directories are searched by agency creatives and people within the production industry.

2. IDIDTHAT Directory for:

• Advertising Agencies
• Digital Companies
• Design Companies
• Boutique Content Companies
• PR Companies
• Event Companies
• Brand Activation
• Media & Publishing

These directories are searched by marketers and new talent looking to make a move.

3. IDIDTHAT Directory for:

• Studios (Film and Photography)
• Set Building
• Catering Companies
• Location Scouts
• Costume Hire
• Equipment Hire
• Crew Management
• Prop Hire

These directories are searched by creatives and people within the production industry. 

IDIDTHAT Directory for Individual and Freelance Talent:

• Freelance Directors Find out more
• DOP's / Cinematographers Find out more

"IDIDTHAT is like the Google of the industry, so if you’re not listed, you simply don’t exist" - Best described by the industry.