Project Description:

In South Africa, child pregnancy is a social, health and economic crisis. In 2022934 girls between 10 and 14 years old gave birth in the province of Gauteng alone. According to UNESCO, early pregnancy threatens to block one million girls in Sub-Saharan Africa from returning to school.

Although reported on in the media, the statistics just become white noise. Amnesty International South Africa wanted to shed light on this important issue.

Insight: What if, instead of the usual numbers and figures, we could put a face to the issue of early pregnancy?

Idea: Amnesty International South Africa partnered with leading national women’s magazine True Love, who gave up their cover, and created The Real Maternity Issue. A maternity magazine with a difference: it features a pregnant child. Inside, the relevant article further highlighted this crisis.

Total media reach of over 15 million.
R4.5 million PR, based on a media cost of R40 000.
Achieving an overall campaign ROI of 100:1.


Agency: Joe Public

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