A Corporate Identity for the Red Bull Studios Cape Town made out of the music the Studios makes. The Problem: The Red Bull Studios Cape Town is South Africa’s leading authority on electronic music. And they have a number of properties they use to expose South Africa’s youth to this music. The problem was that every property had a different look and feel, so the public didn’t see it as Red Bull Studios. The Brief: Our brief was to create a Corporate Identity that houses all of their properties. The Solution: Introducing The Red Bull Studios AlgoRhythm. An app that translates any song into a visual representation of itself. We spoke to the head engineer at the Studios. He identified that any song can be broken down into four basic components: BASS DRUMS MELODY HARMONY These are called STEMS. We then built the Algorythm app. It analyses the STEMS and detects peaks in the audio frequencies. Depending on the intensity of those peaks, it assigns a different size icon to them. Essentially giving our designers a brand new design tool. How do our designers use it? All the designer needs to do is drag and drop a STEM file into the AlgoRhythm desk top app. Once the App has analysed the STEM the designer has a visual representation of the STEM file. They can then use this to create collateral for Red Bull Studios Artists that was made out of music by those artists.