This Documentary tells the story of a pride of three lions (two female and one male) that were introduced into andBeyond Phinda back in 1992 and have flourished to the point that on regular occasions the lions have exceeded the carrying capacity of the reserve and have had to be translocated to other reserves in South Africa. Wild lion numbers are declining across Africa due mainly to habitat loss and poaching. It’s crucial for the future protection and conservation of the African lion that we expand and protect new range. The introduction of lion into the Somkhanda Game Reserve is a massive boost for lion conservation in the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, and Africa. It will help reverse the current trend of declining lion numbers and wild lion range.
Wildlands, Blood Lions and Empowers Africa – ‘A Pride of Lion to be Proud of’Studio2025-01-15T21:22:47+02:00