Black Bean Productions has set out to document and uncover the untold story of human-wildlife conflict in Africa. This issue is becoming a serious threat to wildlife and conservation areas due to the increasing population and pressures on wilderness areas. It also affects the livelihood of many people, on a daily basis. It is an issue without a simple answer.
The documentary aims to tell the story of key characters on the ground, who face daily challenges in terms of living alongside Africa’s wildlife – we show it from their eyes and to hear their point of view on this topic. Our hope is to educate individuals around the world on what is happening – in many areas this problem is now reaching crisis level and we hope the documentary will help uncover solutions, connect communities, conservation authorities, and government. What happens after the documentary is hugely important to us as a team – we want to see positive steps taken that allows for humans and wildlife to live side by side long-term in Africa. We are focusing only on one area – but this is truly a microcosm of what is happening in Africa as a whole and in many other parts of the world.
1. Convey to the viewer the extent, magnitude and nature of HWC in a comprehensible and digestible manner.
2. Objectively examine HWC from both a community and conservation perspective, demonstrating the negative impact of HWC on both people and wildlife.
3. Develop an understanding among viewers of the reasons contributing to the increasing trend of HWC – and especially HEC – at the human/wildlife interface.
4. Highlight and explore potential HWC/HEC solutions according to the views of both community members and protected area managers.
Conservation is complex, and the relationship between man and beast is too. There are so many issues that stem from here, and it is important that we understand these if we are going to forge a way forward together that enables people and wildlife to coexist and flourish.