Cadbury SA ‘#RealMzansiNames’

Craft to Judge: Direction

Company: Mogul Pictures
Director: Ernest Nkosi

“The name one is given at birth is like a piece of cloth one cannot change.” African Proverb. In African culture, names hold profound significance, serving as more than just labels; they are embodiments of our stories and heritage. Our names are the initial narratives we share with the world, detailing the essence of our lineage and hopes for our personal journeys.

Through names, individuals are intricately woven into the fabric of their community, serving as reminders of their place within a broader cultural context. Our ability to clearly depict the pride in this human truth will authentically dial up the emotion in our film. In our research what became abundantly clear were the nerves and excitement that the first day of school evoked universally.

We needed to tap into this and really take our audience with us on this nostalgic journey. Set against the backdrop of a bygone era, our aim was to capture the innocence and wonder of this pivotal moment, while delicately addressing the complexities of societal norms of the time, we wanted to juxtapose what we know about the human truth and use it as the tension point in our narrative.