Rape Crisis’ new campaign hits close to home.
It is estimated that 40% of South African women will be raped in their lifetime and only 8.6% of rape perpetrators are convicted. Unfortunately, most people believe these rapes only occur in dark alleyways by hooded strangers. Rape Crisis’ new campaign reveals that the truth is a lot closer to home.

68% of rape survivors know their rapist. They have had their trust broken in the workplace, home, communities, and other places that should very well be a place of safety. They have been betrayed by a friend, husband, family member and colleague. If women can’t trust those closest to them, who can they trust? Many struggle to speak out about their experiences for fear their trust will be further betrayed.

The harrowing campaign uses radio ads featuring actual survivors, to inform women that if they have no one speak to, they can speak to a trained Rape Crisis counsellor through a dedicated 24hr crisis line – 021 447 9762. This is also supported by a film directed by Karien Murray, and a surprising print campaign that communicates the dark secret that 68% of survivors are raped by someone they know.