Joe Public

Joe Public

(Group: Joe Public JHB | Joe Public CPT | Joe Public DBN | Joe Public Connect | Joe Public Maximise)
Founded in 1998, Joe Public is one of South Africa’s largest, 100% independently owned advertising and communications groups.

Johannesburg, Cape Town & Durban

Group CEO: Gareth Leck / Co-MDs: Khuthala Gala Holten & Mpume Ngobese
Group Chief Creative Officer: Pepe Marais / Chief Creative Officer: Xolisa Dyeshana

Featured Work

Awarded Work

Featured Showcases


Work to Watch: October 2018

2019-02-28T15:17:06+02:00October 12th, 2018|

This month we showcase the stand-out work that South African companies on iDidTht are doing. Apart from just bragging about it (which is very important), it’s the work that was recently featured at the Creative Circle Awards and iDidTht’s Craft Awards. View the work and find out more about the companies who did it…


They Did That: August 2018

2018-09-14T11:12:17+02:00August 2nd, 2018|

‘They Did That’ is out! This is all the most recent work that agencies want to show off. We’ve credited all the iDidTht companies who worked on it so you know who’s even sexier to work with.


Work to Watch: July 2018

2019-05-06T15:46:53+02:00July 20th, 2018|

This month we showcase the stand-out work that South African companies on iDidTht are doing. Apart from just bragging about it (which is very important), it’s the work that was recently featured at the Creative Circle Awards and iDidTht’s Craft Awards. View the work and find out more about the companies who did it…


South African Companies that made us Proud at Cannes 2018

2019-05-03T13:52:25+02:00July 3rd, 2018|

Cannes is not just about Rosé, cracking an invite to a yacht party or trying to get free drinks at Gutter Bar. Nope, there’s an actual advertising festival on too! Here are all the iDidTht companies that made the world stand up and take notice. Make sure you stalk this bunch asap because these are the winners you wanna work with!

Companies within the Joe Public Group

Joe Public

Above-the-line agency within Joe Public Group.


Joe Public Ignite

Cross-platform agency within Joe Public Group.


Joe Public Engage

Public Relations agency within Joe Public Group.


Joe Public Connect

Digital agency within Joe Public Group.


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