Work to Watch: July 2018

Work to Watch: July 2018

This month we showcase the stand-out work that South African companies on iDidTht are doing. Apart from just bragging about it (which is very important), it’s the work that was recently featured at the Creative Circle Awards and iDidTht’s Craft Awards. View the work and find out more about the companies who did it…

National Geographic Kids Magazine ‘Life Beyond the Logo; Red Bull, Puma, Angry Birds’
• Creative Circle 1st: Print
May 2018

Apartheid Museum ‘Old South African Flags’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
• Creative Circle 3rd: Print
May 2018

Garagista ‘For Sale Ale; A Beer to Sell a Brewery’
• Creative Circle 1st: Out of Home
May 2018

Mercedes-Benz S-Class ‘Return to Chapman’s Peak’
Net#work BBDO
7 Films
Audio Militia
The Upstairs Ludus
• Creative Circle 1st: Film
May 2018

Chicken Licken ‘Sbu 2.0’
Joe Public United
Chocolate Tribe
Blade Post Production
Produce Sound
Pulse Music
• Creative Circle 2nd: Film
May 2018

Volkswagen ‘The Learner’
Ogilvy Cape Town
Left Post Production
• Creative Circle 3rd: Film
May 2018

Duracell ‘Times Change, Power Still Doesn’t; Black Mirror, Petrol, Moore’s Law’
Grey Africa
FineTune Studios
• Creative Circle 2nd: Radio
May 2018 ‘Live Longer; Cryogenics, Human Growth Hormone, Colonic’
Grey Africa
FineTune Studios
• Creative Circle 3rd: Radio
May 2018

South African Tourism ‘Africa’s Travel Indaba’
FCB Joburg
• Creative Circle 1st: Communication Design
May 2018

American Swiss ‘Drop the Hint’
VML South Africa
• Creative Circle 1st: Digital & Interactive
May 2018

Camelthorn Beer ‘#ReallyNamBeer’
7 Films
Sonar Studios
• Creative Circle 2nd: Digital & Interactive
May 2018

OMO ‘The OMO Book of Dirt’
Ogilvy Cape Town
Sonar Studios
• Creative Circle 1st: Live Communications
May 2018

The Chaeli Campaign ‘Bet Chaeli Can’t’
King James Group
Direction Films
• Creative Circle 2nd: Live Communications
May 2018

Cipla ‘Bronki Boosters’
VML South Africa
Ritual Studios
• Creative Circle 2nd: Integrated
May 2018

Castle Milk Stout ‘Savour Your Richness’
Bioscope Films
iDidTht Craft Awards: Best of Reel (Direction Craft)
June 2018

Allan Gray ‘Father’s Share’
Howard Audio
iDidTht Craft Awards: Best of Reel (Original Music Craft)
June 2018

Caste Lite ‘Money Calling’
Egg Films
iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
June 2018

KFC Africa ‘Keep Rolling’
Giant Films
iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
June 2018

Trace Mobile ‘Never Expire’
Upstairs Ludus
iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Offline Edit Craft)
June 2018

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