South African Companies that made us Proud at Cannes 2018

South African Companies that made us proud at Cannes 2018

Hold on for just one prosecco while we bow down to the greatness of this year’s South African winners in Cannes!
We’ve all finally managed to dislodge our high heels from those pesky French cobblestoned streets #Classy and we’re back home, literally glowing (although that could just be the effects of too many late nights at Gutter Bar).
A huge congratulations to all the iDidTht companies that brought home the heavy metal and made us literally tear-up while waving the SA flag proudly on stage. Just look at some of these sexy faces representing!

Not only did you make us proud, but the whole industry back home was cheering you on!

We don’t know if it was all the Rosé or just the pressure from the WhatsApp group, but we even managed to get the SA industry in Cannes together for photo!

A massive shout-out to our brilliant sponsor this year, Zootee Studios! Thank you for getting us to Cannes and for all those late nights/early mornings/middays tirelessly helping us out with our content #SoMuchSponsorLove #PDA
If you’re an indie filmmaker or online content creator, we can honestly vouch for Zootee Studios as your one-stop shop! The most knowledgeable and friendliest camera and film gear company in Cape Town, who also offer technical support and tutorials at gear checks #Fact.

And finally, here are all the iDidTht companies that made the world stand up and take notice. Make sure you stalk this bunch asap, because these are the winners you wanna work with! Congratulations from iDidTht!

Radio Lions:

Companies winning in the Radio category:

Audio Militia

Finetune Studios

Left Post Production

Ogilvy Cape Town

Ogilvy Joburg

Produce Sound

Pulse Music


We Love Jam

Companies winning in Film, Film Craft and Health & Wellness, and Pharma categories:

Bomb Commercials

Blade Post

Chocolate Tribe

Deliverance Post

FCB Johannesburg

Joe Public United

Patriot Films

Produce Sound

Pulse Music


Upstairs Ludus

VML South Africa

Companies winning in Entertainment, Media and Design categories:

7 Films

Audio Militia


Darling Films

Deliverance Post

Egg Films

King James Group

Left Post Productions


M&C Saatchi Abel

Masters & Savant

Ogilvy Cape Town

Ogilvy Joburg

One Nation Studios

Pressure Cooker Studios

Produce Sound

Pulse Music

The Star Films Co.


The Upstairs Ludus

VML South Africa

Companies winning in Glass, PR, Print & Publishing, and Direct categories:

Audio Militia

DDB South Africa

Joe Public United

King James Group

Left Post Productions

Ogilvy Cape Town

Pulse Music

We Love Jam

Companies winning in Social & Influencer, Creative Data, Sustainable Development and Industry Craft categories:



Darling Films

DDB South Africa


Egg Films

King James Group

Left Post Productions


Masters & Savant

Ogilvy Joburg

One Nation Studios

Pressure Cooker Studios

Produce Sound

The Star Films Co.


The Upstairs Ludus

VML South Africa

If you won at Cannes and your company isn’t listed above, we want to feature you, so please contact us immediately and we’ll add you.

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