Work to Watch: October 2018

Work to Watch: October 2018

This month we showcase the stand-out work that South African companies on iDidTht are doing. Apart from just bragging about it (which is very important), it’s the work that was recently featured at the Creative Circle Awards and iDidTht’s Craft Awards. View the work and find out more about the companies who did it…

Yellow Pages Directory ‘Don’t search, find.’
Grid Worldwide
• Creative Circle 1st: Communication Design
June 2018

Boerenmeisje Onderklere ‘Boerenmeisje’
Joe Public Shift
• Creative Circle 2nd: Communication Design
June 2018

South African Depression and Anxiety Group ‘Everyday Colours’
• Creative Circle 3rd: Communication Design
June 2018

Saint ‘Pazzo Italiano’
Grid Worldwide
• Creative Circle 1st: Communication Design
August 2018

MFM ‘MTWie?; Koning, Hie’ Kommie Bokke, Merry Christmas’
• Creative Circle 3rd: Communication Design
August 2018

Volkswagen Polo ‘#Marco #Polo’
Ogilvy Cape Town
Giant Films
Lung Animation
• Creative Circle 2nd: Digital & Interactive
June 2018

Mercedes-Benz ‘#ThereGoesTheNeighbourhood’
Publicis Machine
• Creative Circle 3rd: Digital & Interactive
June 2018

GreatStock ‘The Anthology of Great(stock) Poetry’
Joe Public United
• Creative Circle 1st: Out of Home
June 2018

Allan Gray ‘True Rewards Take Time, Times Change, Throw Time’
King James II
• Creative Circle 3rd: Out of Home
June 2018

Absa Brand Launch ‘The Drone Show’
Grid Worldwide
Blacksmith Collective
• Creative Circle 3rd: Out of Home
July 2018

Allan Gray ‘True Rewards Take Time, New Money, Later, Patient’
King James II
• Creative Circle 3rd: Print
June 2018

Allan Gray ‘True Rewards Take Time, Throw Time, Grow Up’
King James II
• Creative Circle 3rd: Print
July 2018

One School at a Time ‘Education is a Weapon’
Joe Public United
• Creative Circle 2nd: Print
August 2018

Sanlam MyChoice Funeral Plan ‘Lives of Grace’
King James Group
• Creative Circle 1st: Radio
June 2018

Joe Public United ‘Searching for Talent – Louise, Moshidi, Murray, Anelle’
Joe Public United
• Creative Circle 2nd: Radio
June 2018

Allan Gray ‘True Rewards Take Time – Not Sexy’
King James II
Howard Audio
• Creative Circle 3rd: Radio
June 2018

Chicken Licken ‘Far Fetched, Catch It, Kiss, Spike Lee’
Joe Public United
• Creative Circle 3rd: Radio
July 2018

Chicken Licken Rock My Soul 3 Straight ‘Welcome to Inner Peace Country – The Pronunciation Song’
Joe Public United
Produce Sound
• Creative Circle 3rd: Radio
August 2018

Allan Gray ‘Father’s Share’
King James II
Chocolate Tribe
Howard Audio
• Creative Circle 1st: Film
June 2018

Philips & The Nelson Mandela Foundation ‘#ShaveToRemember’
Ogilvy Johannesburg
0307 Films
Produce Sound
• Creative Circle 2nd: Film
June 2018

FNB Springboks Sponsorship ‘The Helpers’
Grid Worldwide
Romance Films
Chocolate Tribe
Produce Sound
Pulse Music
• Creative Circle 3rd: Film
June 2018

Castle Lager ‘More Than That’
Ogilvy Johannesburg
0307 Films
Pulse Music
• Creative Circle 2nd: Film
July 2018

MTN SA Sponosrship ‘Os Du Randt’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
Darling Films
Left Post Productions
• Creative Circle 3rd: Film
July 2018

MTN SA  ‘Kenny G’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
Patriot Films
Left Post Productions
Audio Militia
Pulse Music
• Creative Circle 2nd: Film
August 2018

MTN SA Sponsorship ‘Steve Tshwete’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
Darling Films
Left Post Productions
• Creative Circle 3rd: Film
August 2018
•  iDidTht Craft Awards: Best of Reel (Direction Craft)
September 2018

MTN ‘MTN Sounds The Call: The Os du Randt Story’
Darling Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Best of Reel (Direction Craft)
August 2018

Ford Fiesta ‘Independent State of Nandi’
Egg Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
August 2018

Spur ‘Fly the Flag’
7 Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
August 2018

Castle ‘More Than That’
0307 Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
August 2018

Nedbank ‘Affinities Children’
7 Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
September 2018

Loeries ‘Uber’
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
September 2018

Loeries ‘Dictator’
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
September 2018

Sanlam ‘Conversations with Yourself – Pushups’
Giant Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
September 2018

Sanlam ‘Conversations with Yourself – Neighbours’
Giant Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
September 2018

Sanlam ‘Conversations with Yourself – Forklift’
Giant Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
September 2018

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