Work to Watch: June 2018

Work to Watch: June 2018

This month we showcase the stand-out work that South African companies on iDidTht are doing. Apart from just bragging about it (which is very important), it’s the work that was recently featured at the Creative Circle Awards and iDidTht’s Craft Awards. View the work and find out more about the companies who did it…

Marble ‘Meat made Luxury’ campaign
Grid Worldwide
• Creative Circle 1st: Communication Design
January to December 2017

TBWA ‘The Distuption® Company’
Grid Worldwide
• Creative Circle 2nd: Communication Design
January to December 2017

Krugerrand ‘Extruded Into Space’
Grid Worldwide
• Creative Circle 3rd: Communication Design
January to December 2017

Nando’s ‘#rightmyname’
M&C Saatchi Abel
• Creative Circle 1st: Digital & Interactive
• Creative Circle 1st: PR & Media
• Creative Circle 1st: Print
• Creative Circle 2nd: Print
• Creative Circle 2nd: Integrated
• Creative Circle 2nd: Communication Design
March 2018

DStv ‘Halloween Sleepover’
Ogilvy Johannesburg
Spitfire Films
Hey Papa Legend
• Creative Circle 2nd: Digital and Interactive
March 2018

Doom ‘Make them Stop’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
• Creative Circle 3rd: Digital & Interactive
March 2018

Joburg Ballet ‘Breaking Ballet’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
Darling Films
The Upstairs Ludus
Left Post Production
• Creative Circle 1st & 3rd: Digital & Interactive
April 2018

Western Cape Government ‘#Itcanwait’
FCB Cape Town
Egg Films (Jason Fialkov directed this piece, and is now represented by Carbon Films)
• Creative Circle 2nd: Digital & Interactive
April 2018

Joburg Ballet ‘Copy Cat’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
Darling Films
Left Post Production
• Creative Circle 1st: Film
March 2018

Newlands Spring Brewing Co. ‘NotThatNewlands’
King James Group
Pressure Cooker Studios
• Creative Circle 2nd: Film
March 2018

Sanlam ‘Bright Idea’
King James Group
Giant Films
Deliverance Post
Pressure Cooker Studios
The Upstairs Ludus
• Creative Circle 3rd: Film
March 2018

Joburg Ballet ‘Africa Forever’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
Darling Films
The Upstairs Ludus
• Creative Circle 1st: Film
April 2018

Grid Worldwide
Bomb Commercials
The Upstairs Ludus
• Creative Circle 2nd: Film
April 2018
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
May 2018

Indiefin ‘Be Indie’
Bioscope Films
Pressure Cooker Studios
Sinister Studios
• Creative Circle 3rd: Film
April 2018
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Original Music Craft)
May 2018

Carling Black Label ‘No Excuse’
Ogilvy Cape Town
Left Post Production
Audio Militia
Pulse Music
• Creative Circle 1st: Integrated
March 2018

Carling Black Label ‘Soccer Song for Change’
Ogilvy Cape Town
Left Post Production
Audio Militia
Pulse Music
• Creative Circle 1st: Live Communications
March 2018

The Apartheid Museum ‘Bill of Rights ZA’
Joe Public
• Creative Circle 2nd: Live Communications
March 2018

DStv ‘Halloween Sleepover’
Ogilvy Johannesburg
Hey Papa Legend
• Creative Circle 3rd: Live Communications
March 2018

Netflix ‘Comedy Therapy’
King James Group / King James Digital
• Creative Circle 3rd: Out of Home
March 2018

Newlands Spring Brewing Co. ‘NotThatNewlands’
King James Group
• Creative Circle 2nd: PR & Media
March 2018

Apartheid Museum ‘Past and Present’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
• Creative Circle 1st: Print
April 2018

National Geographic Kids ‘See Nature at Its Best’
• Creative Circle 3rd: Print
April 2018

Toyota Hilux Hill Assist ‘Just Another Road’
FCB Joburg
Hey Papa Legend
• Creative Circle 1st: Radio
April 2018

Apartheid Museum ‘Past and Present’
TBWA Hunt Lascaris
Produce Sound
• Creative Circle 2nd: Radio
April 2018

BBC South Africa ‘The World’s Deadliest Drivers – Gusheshe, Mikize, Bachelors’
Produce Sound
• Creative Circle 3rd: Radio
April 2018

WAIF ‘Repertoire’
Patriot Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Best of Reel (Direction Craft)
May 2018

Chicken Licken ‘Sbu 2.0’
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Best of Reel (Direction Craft)
April 2018

The Chaeli Campaign ‘Bet Chaeli Can’t’
Direction Films
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
April 2018
* Special note: This piece was directed by Drew Murphy from King James Group, and produced by Direction Films.

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