Gentlemen Films Lays Down Epic Challenge

Gentlemen Films Lays Down Epic Challenge

Last month we got in touch with the team at Gentlemen Films who had come up with a totally out-of-left-field, intriguing idea that we simply couldn’t resist! Our patience paid off as the results of this project are nothing short of epic, breathtaking, hilarious and utterly surprising. 

THE BRIEF: To welcome Director Jono Hall to Gentlemen Films.
THE IDEA: For each Director at Gentlemen to make one film. Featuring Jono.
BUDGET & SCHEDULE: Each Director was given: 

  • 90 minutes
  • 1 location 
  • R1000

The rest was up to them. The result? See for yourselves:

‘I Didn’t Feel Anything’ directed by Greg Rom

Greg: I discovered that one of Jono’s greatest fears is dancing in front of the camera. Enjoy.

Director – Greg Rom
DP – Brendan Barnes
Producer – Lawrence Goodman
Sound – Samantha Nell
Edit and Final Mix – Julian Redpath
Grade – Nic Apostoli
Online – Michael Naidoo
Music – ‘You’re High’ by Agar Agar (Crackirecords)

Special thanks to:
Jono Hall (for leaving it all on the floor), Mark Middlewick (for staying on the floor), Upstairs Ludus, Douglas Machogo, Ingrid Engelbrecht, and Mari Schultz

‘Warp 9.9’ directed by Travys Owen

Travys: I wanted to suck Jono into this psychedelic world, twisting and turning him and then bringing him back again in his clean white suit and bowtie. Basically, I played around in After Effects, doing the weirdest, trippiest things I could! Disclaimer: May cause epileptic seizures.

Director/Edit/Grade/Post: Travys Owen
DP: Willie Nel
Music: Ross Finck (

‘The End Is Nigh’ directed by Mark Middlewick

Mark: Growing up as a coddled boy in the Northern suburbs I loved Buddy Holly, zombies and ice-cream. So I figured I’d try and combine all of these passions into my dream commercial.

Director: Mark Middlewick
DP: Brendan Barnes
Producer: Lawrence Goodman
Wardrobe & Makeup: Kelly-Jean Gilbert
Special Effects Makeup: Stella Kalymnios & Menio Kalymnios
Edit: Julian Redpath
Grade & Final Mix: Samantha Nell
Online: Michael Naidoo
Voice Over: Melody Kaye
Music: ‘True Love Ways’ by Buddy Holly 

And if you thought that the mere idea of performing for these films was a baptism of fire for Jono, he too was tasked to make his own film. An ode to himself, if you will:

Inside Voice’ directed by Jono Hall

Jono: When people ask me what I do for a living, I never really know what to say.  Now I can just show them this video. 

Director: Jono Hall
DP: Willie Nel
Producer: Bryony Webster
Sound: Samantha Nell
Edit and Final Mix: Julian Redpath
Grade: Nic Apostoli
Online: Michael Naidoo

Special thanks to:
Upstairs Ludus, Bryony Webster, Ingrid Engelbrecht, and Tsholofelo Mokomane

It’s clear that Jono fits right in with the self-confessed bunch of film nerds at Gentlemen. They also let him play cricket in the corridor. Check out some of their favourite pieces of work from Jono’s reel here:

Carling Black Label ‘The Arrival’

KFC ‘Pep Talk’

1Life ‘One Day’

To brief any of the Gentlemen team on your latest commercials, to collaborate on ideas for your brands, or even just to have a natter about post new wave film, chat to Ingrid: ingrid@gentlemenfilms.coza / 083 651 9742 /  011 482 1420.

Produced by the iDidTht Content Studio
Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

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This Editorial is paid for by Gentlemen Films. Want our studio to create content that puts your agency/company/kickass ad you made in bright lights for the whole industry to see? View or editorial packages or contact and we’ll make it happen! #Boom

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