IDIDTHAT Featured Stories

IDIDTHAT Featured Stories

Let us tell your story.

Our super experienced content studio will meet with you to conceptualise ways to tell your stories. Because we are writing the piece from IDIDTHAT’s perspective, you avoid that pesky self-promotion thing, which can sometimes be a bit awks. We write stories with a knowledge and understanding of who your audience is and our engagement to date is proof of that. And wait, there’s more! It’s not dry-scratch-your-eyes-out-with-a-spoon-boring. Can we get an AMEN!?

Have a look at a few examples of our featured stories

Director Sanaa Mothabisa shares his new Spotify commercial with Thandiswa Mazwai

I was born the year of the youth uprising, and so my birth is tainted with struggle and revolution.’ This powerful opening line sets the tone for director Sanaa Mothabisa’s latest commercial film for Spotify. Produced by Johannesburg-based Sanaa Films, the spot offers an intimate glimpse into musician Thandiswa Mazwai’s inspirations and themes behind her latest album, ‘Sankofa.’ From day one Sanaa Films has been dedicated to producing original and honest work, and this hits the mark.

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Darling Fling, solutions powerhouse pulls off Carling’s epic hero journey

Six countries, ten cities, 17 days, and 54 awards to their name – Carling Black Label was on a fact-finding mission to investigate who else had as many accolades as them. Ogilvy South Africa had one burning question, ‘Who on earth could solve this massive, production-heavy project?’ With Executive Producers Mmameyi Mphahlele, Melina McDonald, and Lorraine Smit at the helm, Darling Fling had the skillset and solutions to bring this ambitious globe-trotting campaign to life.

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Hashtag Post has brand new full post suites in Joburg

Hashtag Post has hashtag new offices in Peter Place Office Park, Sandton. The post-production house, launched by veteran editors Jason Basson and Kayleigh Kinnear just two and a half years ago, has been making some big moves. With an expanded team, including hotshot Producer Vicki Kotze and Online Editor and VFX Artist Chad Naidoo, and a state-of-the-art 3 edit suite facility, this is definitely a sexy new post offering for Joburg.

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We talk directly to the industry

IDIDTHAT has an average of 21 000 monthly page views.
IDIDTHAT receives over 250 000 views by South Africa’s Advertising and Production industry every year.
IDIDTHAT has 32 000 active South African users on our website every year.

People don’t get to ‘see’ what your company looks and acts like until they’re either a client of yours or they’re working for you. Yes, you know your company well, after all, you work there all day (and night), and sometimes forget that nobody else knows what it’s like. All these stories are usually left for the pitch room. Why?!

Story Ideas for Production Companies:

  • A behind-the-scenes look at your office and the people that make it a home.

  • Highlight speciality services and unique skill sets.

  • Introduce new or talented individuals in your company to the whole industry

  • Feature your newly launched business or sub-company.

Story Ideas for Agencies:

  • Feature your company culture, strategy and values. Let us tell your unique story.

  • Highlight your agency’s philosophy.

  • Open the doors of your agency to the whole creative industry and reveal what makes you different.

  • Feature talented leaders in your agency and tell their story.

  • Showcase a campaign you’re proud of – we can get behind the scenes, the strategy, the results and feature the team who created it.

Featured story options

Select your Featured Story package:

IDIDTHAT will meet with you for a briefing in order to help conceptualise your story. Our knowledge and understanding of the industry will assist in positioning your company. We’ll personally interview your team and write your story for you. Once we have your thumbs up, we’ll share it with the industry!

• 4 x Featured Story Package – R39 800 excl VAT
Works out at R9 950 per story

• 2 x Featured Story Package – R21 960 excl VAT
Works out at R10 980 each per story

• 1 x Featured Story – R12 800 excl VAT

Increase your reach – Included in the price:

  • Media: Paid for Facebook Sponsored Posts
    We reach an average of 3 500 – 11 500 industry creatives through our sponsored posts on Facebook, that we set for 5 days.

  • Media: Featured in our Newsletter
    A minimum of 4 500 people receives our mailers, with an average open-rate of 20-25%.

  • Media: Home Page Feature
    Your Editorial will be featured for 2 weeks and we average 15 000 page views per month.

  • Media: Your Editorial will be added to your company page
    We add an Editorial Section to your own page on IDIDTHAT, making it easy for the industry to read more about you all year round.

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