Work To Watch: June 2017

Work To Watch: June 2017

Every month we showcase the stand-out work that companies on iDidTht are doing. Apart from just bragging about it (which is very important), it’s work that’s being featured at local and international award shows. View the work and find out more about the companies who did it…

Jacaranda FM ‘More Music You Love’
Halo Advertising
Bioscope Films – Fausto Becatti / Hylton Tannenbaum
• Creative Circle: 2nd Outdoor and Out of Home
February 2017

MTV ‘#FCKHIV  Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink’
Ogilvy Johannesburg
One Nation Studios
• Creative Circle: 3rd Outdoor and Out of Home
February 2017

Pharma Dynamics Nuban ‘Adventures’
FoxP2 Advertising
• Creative Circle 2nd: Outdoor and Out of Home
April 2017

National Geographic Kids Magazine ‘Nature never gets old – Frog, Sprout’
FoxP2 Advertising
• Creative Circle 3rd: Print
April 2017

Wrigleys Skittles ‘Under the Rainbow – Fear, Time Travel’
DDB South Africa
Produce Sound
• Creative Circle 3rd: Radio
March 2017

Volkswagen Brake Assist ‘People Can’t Stop Themselves’ Campaign
Ogilvy Cape Town
We Love Jam
• Creative Circle 1st: Radio
April 2017

Organ Donor Foundation ‘Dead Zone Radio’
J.Walter Thompson Cape Town
We Love Jam
• Creative Circle 3rd: Radio
April 2017

Flight Centre Student Flights ‘Babybot’
TBWA\Hunt Lascaris
Gentleman Films / Upstairs Ludus / Audio Militia
• Creative Circle 1st: Television, Film & Video
March 2017

Nedbank ‘The Tale of a Note’
Joe Public United
Star FilmsDeliveranceProduce Sound
• Creative Circle 2nd: Television, Film & Video
March 2017

Surfshack Outreach Programme ‘Salt’
• Creative Circle 1st: Television, Film & Video
April 2017

ABSA ‘Rising Eagles’
FCB Joburg
Egg Films
• Creative Circle 2nd: Television, Film & Video
April 2017

Isuzu ‘Made from real for 80 years’
Velocity Films / Audio Militia
• Creative Circle 3rd: Television, Film & Video
April 2017

Go ahead and add your company to iDidTht and have your awesome work featured every month…just do it 

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iDidTht is South Africa’s leading curated reference directory that connects the entire creative, advertising, production and communications industry. Our index makes the process of sourcing companies to work with easy, simple and downright sexy. We’re your one-stop shop when it comes to finding the companies or people that best suit your project.
Basically, if you’re not listed on iDidTht, you simply don’t exist, like Bruce Willis in that movie with the kid that sees dead people, except nobody will see you…#Shame

Film Production (Directors)

Animation & Special Effects

Design Companies

Music & Sound

Advertising Agencies

Media & Publishing Companies

Post Production

Digital Companies

Coming Soon: PR Companies  |  Photography & Film Studios  |  Event Companies  |  Brand Activation  |  Photographers  |  Talent Management  |  Location  |  Set Building  |  Costume Hire  |  Catering  | Crew Management  |  Equipment Hire

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