Work to Watch: February 2018

Work to Watch: February 2018

This month we showcase the stand-out work that South African companies on iDidTht are doing. Apart from just bragging about it (which is very important), it’s the work that was recently featured at the Creative Circle Awards and iDidTht’s Craft Awards. View the work and find out more about the companies who did it…

My Kitchen Rules ‘Come for the food. Stay for the drama.’
Black River FC
• Creative Circle 2nd: Outdoor & Out of Home
November 2017

Food & Trees for Africa ‘SetRight’
King James II
King James Digital
• Creative Circle 2nd: Digital and Interactive
September – December 2017

Mercedes-Benz ’50 years of AMG’
Net#work BBDO
• Creative Circle 2nd: Digital & Interactive
September – December 2017

Cansa ‘Testimonials Social Media Campaign’
FCB Cape Town
Bioscope Films
• Creative Circle 3rd: Digital & Interactive
September – December 2017

National Geographic Kids Magazine ‘Black Friday’
Fox P2
• Creative Circle 3rd: Digital & Interactive
September – December 2017

Castle Lager ‘The Pinky Ring Guy’
Ogilvy Johannesburg
Produce Sound
• Creative Circle 2nd: Radio
December 2017

Siemens ‘The Siemens Air Drop’
King James II
• Creative Circle 1st: Experiential
September to December 2017

Polyco ‘Packa-Ching’
• Creative Circle: 3rd Experiential
September – December 2017

ABSA L’Atelier ‘Give Art Life’
• Creative Circle: 3rd Experiential
September – December 2017

ABSA L’Atelier ‘Give Art Life’
• Creative Circle: 3rd Integrated
September – December 2017

South African Tourism Global ‘Bheki the uMbaco Maker’
FCB Johannesburg
The Upstairs Ludus
The Bomb Shelter Productions
A Nathi Sound
• Creative Circle: 1st Television, Video & Cinema
September 2017

Brand South Africa ‘Dala What You Must’
The Rudeboy Collective
• Creative Circle: 2nd Television, Video & Cinema
September 2017

Brothers For Life ‘The Choice Is Yours’
Joe Public
The Upstairs Ludus
Seriti Films
A Nathi Sound
• Creative Circle: 3rd Television, Video & Cinema
September 2017

Brand South Africa ‘We’re Not About That’
The Rudeboy Collective
• Creative Circle: 2nd Television, Video & Cinema
October 2017

Mahindra ‘Heavy’
Joe Public
Patriot Films
Audio Militia
• Creative Circle: 3rd Television, Video & Cinema
October 2017

Joburg Ballet ‘Rain Must Fall’
TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannesburg
Darling Films
The Upstairs Ludus
• Creative Circle: 1st Television, Video & Cinema
December 2017

Chicken Licken ‘Icelandic Boy’
Connect Joe Public
• Creative Circle: 2nd Television, Video & Cinema
November 2017

NSRI ‘My Dad’
Ogilvy Cape Town
Deliverance Post Productions
Romance Films
Pulse Music
• Creative Circle: 2nd Television, Video & Cinema
December 2017

Ster-Kinekor ‘The Reign of Ian’
FoxP2 Advertising
Sonar Audio
The Upstairs Ludus
• Creative Circle: 3rd Television, Video & Cinema
December 2017
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
January 2017

Kwesé ‘The Great Escape’
King James II
Wicked Pixels
The Upstairs Ludus
Giant Films
• Creative Circle 3rd: Television, Video & Cinema
November 2017

MTN ‘Mic Drop’
Upstairs Ludus
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Best of Reel (Grade and Online Craft)
January 2017

Showmax Tali’s Wedding Diary ‘Makeup Advice’
Sketchbook Studios
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Direction Craft)
January 2017

Sanlam ‘2-Minute Shower’
We Love Jam
• iDidTht Craft Awards: Special Mention (Remixes of existing tracks / Music Production Craft)
January 2017

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