‘They Did That’ March 2019. View South Africa’s New Work.

‘They Did That’ March 2019. View South Africa’s New Work.

In a never-ending quest to keep you updated on all the impressive work that the industry is creating, we’ve created ‘They Did That’. Here we showcase all the latest work that agencies are most proud of and want to show off.

So how does it work?

Agencies submit the work to us and we’ll feature and credit all the iDidTht companies that contributed to making it Meryl-Streep-is-sad-she-wasnt-in-it-awesome.
If your company worked on something but you’re not signed up to iDidTht, sign up now to have your name added in bright lights so the whole world can see (South Africa is the world).

Coca Cola ‘Share A Coke With Me’ (Film)

Agency: FCB Johannesburg
Film Production Company: Bioscope Films
Post Production Facility: Left Post Productions
Music & Sound: Pressure Cooker Studios
Audio Facility: Audio Militia

Consol ‘Admit You Love Glass’ (Film)

Agency: Grey Africa
Film Production Company: Darling Films

Momentum ‘#BornWithMomentum’ (Film)

Agency: House of Brave
Film Production Company: Egg Films
Music & Sound: RobRoy Music
Sound Engineering: Produce Sound
Offline Edit: Post Modern

Red Bull ‘Barrier of Spears’ (Film)

Agency: Iconic Agency

SAB ‘VUKA’ (Film)

Agency: Joe Public United
Film Production Company: Egg Films
Post Production Company: Post Modern

Continental Tyre ‘Free Solo’ (Film)

Agency: M&C Saatchi Abel
Film Production Company: Giant Films
Post Production: Strangelove

Google Search ‘Career’ (Film)

Agency: Network BBDO
Film Production Company: Giant Films

MTN ‘Pizza’ & ‘Leftover Pizza’ (Film)

Agency: TBWA Hunt Lascaris
Film Production Company: Patriot Films
Post Production Company: 2 + 3 Post Production
Master held at: Post Modern
Animation company: Wicked Pixels
Music & Sound: Produce Sound

Edgars ‘Own the Look’ (Film)

Agency: VML South Africa
Film Production Company: Giant Films
Post Production: Strangelove

Andrew Hector Brand Identity (Design)

Agency: Murmur

Soul Food Brand Identity (Design)

Agency: Xfacta

Netflorist ‘Say it with a Cactus’ (Digital)

Agency: FCB Cape Town / Hellocomputer

Siemens ‘FABRIC’ (Digital)

Agency: King James Group JHB
Film Production Company: FirstPencil
Animation & SFX Company: Sinister Studios

Jive ‘Let’s Jive Together’ (Integrated)

Agency: DUKE
Film Production Company: TinToy
Music & Sound: We Love Jam

Rape Crisis ‘Close to Home’ (Integrated)

Agency: Ogilvy Cape Town
Film Production Company: Giant Films
Editing Company: Deliverance
Post Production Company: BlackGinger
Music & Sound Company: We Love Jam

Castle Lager #LoseTheLabel (Integrated)

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