The Syndicate 2.0: Hits the Post-Production Suite Spot

The Syndicate 2.0: Hits the Post-Production Suite Spot

Since Editor Nic Goodwin launched The Syndicate four years ago, the company has undergone an interesting evolution. Initially taking on a minimalist approach with a fully remote post-production process and a team of freelance talent, The Syndicate was one of the first post facilities of its kind in South Africa and a huge success for Nic. But it was time to take the next step forward and the post house has evolved to meet familiar client demands while sticking to its core ethos. Welcome to The Syndicate 2.0.

The Syndicate was born out of the idea of creating the highest standard of work in post-production while being agile, fluid and cost-efficient. Owner and Senior Editor Nic Goodwin explains, ‘I started off super lean, which worked really well for the time. As clients demanded more, I slowly upscaled to a more traditional offering, but always remained flexible and cost-efficient as this has always been my core value. Now, we’ve found a great balance, making us one of the most competitive post-production companies in South Africa.’

Nic has opened a new edit suite in the suburb of Craighall Park. The suite boasts a luxury editing experience for production companies, agencies and clients. And despite the high-end features, the infrastructure remains minimal and the talent remains freelance, ensuring a cost-effective solution.

The Syndicate HQ
The Syndicate HQ

Nic explains, ‘Working remotely was necessary for us to learn how to use space wisely and how to get the most out of that space, when we work together. We are producing top quality work in an environment where cost and creativity matter. We are able to achieve this because we have incredibly talented artists throughout the post-production process and we are working in a space that is exciting and intimate but still manages to be minimal and efficient. That kind of environment lends itself to creating beautiful work.’

We asked Nic what some of the other highlights of last few years at The Syndicate have been, ‘Since opening, we’ve done some really great work and it’s great to win awards and get recognition and all that but I’ve gotta say,  for me the real quality of life comes from the process of creating the work with the people that I get to work with. Even under all the pressure, the sessions are always very collaborative and filled with laughter and joy. And I’m so grateful for that!’

Nic goes on to describe the value of building relationships, ‘There’s nothing quite like hitting it off with creative partners like directors, producers, creatives. It’s really quite special. Since opening The Syndicate I’ve been really lucky to have formed a lot of new, really special relationships as well as solidifying the ones I already have. When I go home at the end of the day, that’s really the thing that stays with me, the experience I’ve had with the people in my suite. And I really believe that the collective joy that goes into these sessions shows up on screen.’

With over 20 years experience, a bespoke editing experience and a formidable post team, Nic and The Syndicate have become a force to be reckoned with. Testament to the calibre of talent Nic collaborates with, is the work. Here are some of our favourite spots.

Unlimited Dehan

Tyme Bank

Castle Lite


Wanna (s)talk some more? Check out The Syndicate on IDIDTHAT and Company Website.

Contact The Syndicate

Senior Editor / Owner: Nic Goodwin
+27 74 901 1362

View IDIDTHAT Profile
View Website

Produced by the IDIDTHAT Content Studio – Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

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