Darling Fling, solutions powerhouse pulls off Carling’s epic hero journey

Six countries, ten cities, 17 days, and 54 awards to their name – Carling Black Label was on a fact-finding mission to investigate who else had as many accolades as them. Ogilvy South Africa had one burning question, ‘Who on earth could solve this massive, production-heavy project?’ With Executive Producers Mmameyi Mphahlele, Melina McDonald, and Lorraine Smit at the helm, Darling Fling had the skillset and solutions to bring this ambitious globe-trotting campaign to life.

Darling Films is asking you to swipe right on Darling Fling

Darling Films is asking people to have a fling, a Darling Fling. Executive Producer heavyweights Lorraine Smit and Melina McDonald have launched Darling Fling with Mmameyi Mphahlele appointed as the Executive Producer. Darling Fling is an extension of Darling Films and a new offering that will bring any of your wildest creative ideas to life by sourcing the right talent for your project. With the trio’s years of creative problem-solving experience and the production backing of Darling, you know you’re gonna have a safe fling.

2023-11-29T15:24:06+02:00November 28th, 2023|Categories: Darling Films Editorial, Darling Fling Editorial, Editorial|Tags: , |