Together Films’ blueprint for authentic brand storytelling by Executive Producer Gaye Leong

Executive Producer Gaye Leong unpacks Together Films’ approach to establishing and living their own brand values through a process that emphasises the importance of being human-centric, outlining a clear storytelling journey, involving the right people, and creating impactful endings. With this approach, Together Films is able to tell, and create, compelling stories. This ensures that their work – ranging from commercials to content to documentaries – resonates with audiences, addressing their needs and fostering a meaningful connection with the brand.

Two top directors join Together Films, Catharine Cooke and Alessandra Scherillo

‘These are two incredibly powerful and established directors that are at the top of their game. Catharine Cooke and Alessandra Scherillo are genius storytellers who both bring such unique perspectives.’ Says Executive Producer Gaye Leong of the new additions to the Together roster. We find out more about their combined experience of over 60 years, Emmy and Oscar noms, SAFTA wins, big brands, Al Pacino, Tilda Swinton, Monte Carlo…we’re not gonna lie, we’re a little intimidated.

2021-11-25T10:25:25+02:00November 25th, 2021|Categories: Editorial, Together Films Editorial|Tags: , , |