South African copyright in crises

South African copyright in crises

Press supplied by the CPA. 19 May 2024

ACT NOW – a new campaign that aims to stop the passing of the controversial Copyright & Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills has been spearheaded by, amongst others, the Commercial Producers Association (CPA) which strongly opposes the new legislation which will be detrimental to the advertising industry and all other creative sectors in South Africa.

The new legislation is unconstitutional, not fit for purpose and could set back progress in South Africa’s creative industries by decades.

The ACT NOW campaign seeks to send a very clear message to Government that creators of original content oppose the new Bills. Says Bobby Amm, Executive Officer of the CPA “due to the complexities of Copyright law there was a need to simplify the message to bring across industry objections in a way that is more accessible and easily understood”. To accomplish this the campaign has created a series of short “vox-pops” in which influential people in the industry share their thoughts and concerns about the Bills.

The campaign was conceptualized in record time and with very limited budget by Creative Director Tian van den Heever and produced by Your Girlfriend.

The videos have been shared in a social media campaign that targets the decision makers and at the same time educates the industry and wider public about the dangers the bills create.

Additional information about why the Bills are bad news for the advertising sector and all creative industries can be found on the campaign’s website.

To support the campaign, the CPA calls on people who share its concerns to use the power of social media to share, like and post comments to maximize the campaign’s viral reach.


Follow the ACT NOW campaign on social: Insta | Facebook | Linked-In

For more information contact us:

Bobby Amm
Executive Officer of the CPA

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