Making of video

D&AD 2024 – View showcase
One Show 2024 – View showcase

Volkswagen ‘The Blind Spot’ – South Africa has one of the highest road accident rates in the world. Many involve objects in the blind spot. Volkswagen has a solution. Introducing Blind Spot Monitor. One of many innovative new features in the Volkswagen IQ.DRIVE safety system. Using advanced radar sensors, Blind Spot Monitor sees what you don’t, and alerts you to potential dangers through a light display on the wing mirror. To bring this feature to light, we launched a campaign that people never saw coming. We created a series of invisible, life-size installations featuring objects that would commonly be found and missed in your blind spot – Delivery drivers and cyclists. Using Black 3.0, a paint so dark it absorbs light and removes definition, we made these objects disappear, dramatizing what happens each and every day on the roads.

The life-size, “invisible” installations were placed at Volkswagen’s key dealerships with the highest foot traffic and launched during World Motorcycle Awareness Month. Once the true meaning of the installations were discovered, onlookers could then scan the installation using an AR filter to reveal the object and find out more about Blind Spot Monitor, as well as the other safety systems available through IQ.DRIVE.

The campaign has sparked conversation around road safety, gaining global attention and applaud from motoring organisations and national road safety departments leading to: +32% Visits to IQ.DRIVE Safety Site +19% Sales Enquiries +53 Million in Organic Reach

Agency: Ogilvy South Africa
Editor: (No Member Credits)
Production Studio: (No Member Credits)
Production Company: Run Jump Fly

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