We turned satellite dishes into wayfinding media, to help the University of Johannesburg’s Emergency Medical Care Faculty to save lives. The University of Johannesburg’s Emergency Medical Care Faculty trains world-class paramedics. Despite their expert training, there’s one problem that repeatedly hinders their work. In Johannesburg’s rapidly growing urban areas, hundreds of thousands of houses have no visible house numbers. This can have tragic consequences as ambulances and paramedics often can’t find the house they’ve been called to. It can also erode people’s confidence in the Emergency Medical Services. We used printed vinyl decals to turn satellite dishes into outdoor wayfinding devices. Turning satellite dishes into wayfinding media in this way helps the paramedics from the University of Johannesburg’s Emergency Medical Services Department find the houses they’re called to in the community. It also increases the community’s trust and confidence in the Emergency Medical Services. The public and media support gave us the leverage to approach two major Corporates for sponsorship. In the next few months we will roll out 50 000 more satellite dishes.