Presented with the opportunity of working with M-Net Movies to create “The Greatest Movie Ever Made”, Spitfire approached it as you would expect: with guns blazing. Shot collectively and individually by Spitfire Directors AK, Peter Heaney and Akin Omotoso, and starring six lucky M-Net audition winners, “The Greatest Movie Ever Made” was inspired by scenes from, well, some of the greatest movies ever made.

What began as a public invitation by M-Net for aspiring actors to send in audition videos of themselves acting out scenes from their favourite movies, resulted in over 550 entries from all over the country. The Spitfire Directors then had to whittle these down to 20 finalists, and then to six competition winners after an additional “live” audition process with the directors. In the meantime, a professional scriptwriter was hard at work weaving the 10 parody movie scenes together.