Firearms is a very topical and contentious issue. Even more so in a country like South Africa where majority people own it because they fear for their lives and the lives of their family. But having a gun in the home often makes you less safe, not safer. Statistics from all around the world showed that the person most likely to be shot with your gun is you or a member of your family (*New England Journal of Medicine). In recent years we’ve seen and read too many stories of accidents, suicides and mistaken shootings that claimed the lives of thousands of innocents. This is the message that Gun Free Cities conveyed in their new live activation and social media film. If you insist on owning a gun, keeping it safely stored away is the only way to protect you and your family. How did they achieve this? They invited gun-owners and non-gun owners to a free shooting session at a gun range in Johannesburg. At first, they thought they were simply firing at a blank target until they saw it up close where it was revealed that they were in fact shooting at an image of themselves and/or family member. The film was shared on social media with the aim to demonstrate that you don’t need intent to kill someone with a gun.