Paving her own path, director Zandi Tisani launches as an Independent Director

Paving her own path, director Zandi Tisani launches as an Independent Director

Director Zandi Tisani’s move to independence signifies a transformative milestone in her career. While staying true to the fundamentals she embraces as a director – a passion for pop culture, a keen eye for the latest trends, and an affinity for performance-driven work and strong visuals – she has now taken a deliberate step towards prioritising her trajectory as director. This choice opens up fresh and exciting opportunities for creatives to collaborate with her.

‘Ultimately, I’m always interested in finding the most efficient and productive way of working. Thinking of myself as an independent director has made me pay more attention and take greater responsibility for my career as a whole. Judging purely over the momentum I’ve gained in the past few months, I’ve seen what a difference it’s made putting myself in the driver’s seat. I don’t think anybody is as good at selling me right now as I am and putting my personal brand at the forefront has given me a greater opportunity to do that.’ Says Zandi Tisani.

Director Zandi’s decision to go independent is not only driven by her desire to take her career into her own hands but also to work with creative people who inspire and engage her. Rather than solely focusing on the type of work she attracts, Zandi prioritises the kind of people she collaborates with. Choosing to be Independent means that Zandi has more options to explore when it comes to collaborations and isn’t tied to an entity. Zandi is open for collaborations as a freelance director working either directly with agencies, marketers or production companies looking for a specific director for a job. Her agency ‘Hello Circus’, with industry veteran and Executive Producer Vanessa Anderson at the helm, will step in on the production side if needed.  ‘Our aim is to put our directors’ needs and wants above all other requirements. This move for Zandi means that she leads and I, as her agent, support her.’ Says Vanessa.

Zandi says ‘This industry is not only about being a maverick creative, it’s about being balanced, calm, strategic. I walk into every project thinking how I can make it better, what I can add creatively and how I can add the most value. My passion lies in bringing exceptional ideas to life, which fuels my excitement for each day at work.’

And it is through some powerful collaborations with creatives that Zandi has built an impressive reel of work, some of which she has done as an independent director already. Zandi will always be a storyteller at heart, drawn to performance-driven work, crafting narratives, and constructing authentic, immersive worlds. Below are some of our favourite spots we selected from her reel, ‘Thula Thula’, ‘Amarula’ and her latest spot, an unsettling and atmospheric trailer for Showmax and ‘Rosemary’s Hitlist’.

Rosemary’s Hitlist (Trailer)

Amarula (Directors Cut)

Vanessa adds ‘Zandi is an incredibly talented director, but we know this already. There’s no ego, she only focuses on the job and how to make it better. With that in mind, she is taking control of her career, and now because she’s independent she can come in much sooner on a project, something that can be hugely valuable to the creative process.’

To work with Zandi, contact Vanessa at
or UK Agent Matt Hichens

Contact Hello Circus

Director’s Agent: Vanessa Anderson
061 0334 057

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Produced by the IDIDTHAT Content Studio – Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

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