Newly launched, Triple Story Content says ‘Our product is production’

Newly launched, Triple Story Content says ‘Our product is production’

Led by industry veteran and Executive Producer Monareng Makwetla, Triple Story Content uses its network of talent and freelancers to streamline campaigns by creating integrated film, audio and stills production. The company coordinates and manages the production of commercials, branded content, stills, TV series, features, audio production, post production…In short, tell them what you need and they will match the right talent to get it done.

We all know the vibe, right? Over the last ten years, and especially recently, production companies are expected to offer so much more as the media landscape has broadened, with less budgets and time to produce work. Monareng says of launching a production company in July 2020: ‘Starting a new company in the current climate means we can hit the ground running and offer what the industry needs from the start as appose to adapting or pivoting a company to the needs of today. Because we know the scope of film, stills and media required to complete a campaign, we know that having a strong ‘producer-led’ company is vital. Production companies can no longer just offer directors. Having the production chops and experience means we can streamline campaign production, making it more efficient and saving time and money.’

Monareng Makwetla, Managing Director & Executive Producer of Triple Story Content

Monareng Makwetla comes with over 20 years of local and international production experience producing everything from feature films and award-winning commercials and stills work to 15-second InstaStories. He has taken his production insights and learnings to build Triple Story Content from the ground up. A production company that can produce all your campaign needs under one roof and will ensure all elements are integrated seamlessly.

Of how Triple Story Content manages client’s expectations, Monareng says: ‘We are dealing with client’s money and their reputation and they don’t want to lose either. For the period that Triple Story Content is involved in their production, we are representatives of that brand. So, when we are on location, I’m not Monareng or Triple Story, I am that brand. That means how I treat my cast, crew, members of the public or the location is representative of the brand. At the end of the day, we need to remember we are reputation managers. This involves delivering all elements timeously, any delays affect not only the agency and client’s reputations, but our own.

Triple Story Content Already Did That

Apart from a company’s in-house talent, they also have a network of diverse freelancers, such as Johnny Cohen, who take production very seriously. Their team is made up of directors, photographers, writers, creatives; Robin De Jager, Thina Zibi, Brennan Lewis and Michael Rodrigues, along with Producer Litha Mbutuma they have already created an impressive Triple Story reel. ‘Our network is made up of experienced “unicorns” who understand all the elements required to pull off an integrated campaign today. We provide production solutions. The talent we work with are all beautiful storytellers who are always looking to represent our country and cultures in a responsible way.’ Says Monareng.

The Salvation Army ‘Winter Drive Print Campaign’

The Salvation Army ‘Winter Drive Print Campaign’

African Bank ‘Still’

Game ‘Don’t Blow it’

McDonald’s ‘It’s Appening’

Monareng on what’s behind the name Triple Story Content: ‘We wanted a name that represents the importance of a team. There are three acts of every story, beginning, middle and the end, and each of them don’t work without the other. That is really representative of our belief that when you work with us, we become part of your team.’

Wanna (s)talk some more? Triple Story Content on IDIDTHAT or Company Website.

Contact Triple Story Content

Executive Producer: Monareng Makwetla
+27 83 302 5176

View IDIDTHAT Profile
View Website

Produced by the IDIDTHAT Content Studio – Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

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This Editorial is paid for by Triple Story Content. Want our studio to create content that puts your agency/company/kickass ad you made in bright lights for the whole industry to see? View or editorial packages or contact and we’ll make it happen! #Boom

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