IDIDTHAT Directory 3

Get your company in front of new clients.

We’ve designed directories for Film and Photography Studios, Set Building, Catering, Location, Costume Hire, Equipment Hire, Crew Management and Props Hire Companies. If your company doesn’t fall into one of the above categories, simply click here and we’ll get you to where you belong.

These directories are mostly searched for by creatives and people within the production industry. We will get you in front of new clients and connect you to the entire creative industry. List your company in our Directory so that people know you exist. Your listing will simply and easily guide them to your website. It’s basically like the creative version of the Yellow Pages, only way sexier.

Your Company Listing

  • Your company will be listed in the correct/curated IDIDTHAT Directory making it easy for people to find you.

  • Your directory listing will feature your company logo, key experts, short description and location.

  • Your IDIDTHAT Directory listing will click to through your own website.

That’s basically a round of tequilas at an office lunch, minus the hangover.

Even More Features Available to You

Once your company is listed, we have a few extra features and products that might tickle your fancy *crowd goes wild*.

IDIDTHAT Editorial

Our content studio will meet with you and conceptualise ways to share your stories. This could be about who you are, your company culture, your beliefs, what makes you different or even a feature on hero employees. So no more boring press releases, can I get an amen?! We write editorials with the knowledge and understanding of your audience and we know better than anyone else how to engage this market.

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