Best in Film Craft: June 2018

Best of Reel awarded to Fausto Becatti from Bioscope Films and Adam Howard from Howard Audio

This month’s iDidTht Craft Awards are judged by Chief Creative Officer at 1886 Advertising, Stuart Stobbs. We couldn’t find an active Facebook or Twitter account for Stuart, which set off some major alarms, but his LinkedIn profile assures us he is legit. Love you Stuart (and that hairstyle)! 😘


BEST OF REEL: Castle Milk Stout ‘Savour Your Richness’
Bioscope Films | Fausto Becatti
(Direction Craft)

BEST OF REEL: Allan Gray ‘Father’s Share’
Howard Audio | Adam Howard
(Original Music Craft)



SPECIAL MENTION: Caste Lite ‘Money Calling’
Egg Films | Lebogang Rasethaba
(Direction Craft)

SPECIAL MENTION: KFC Africa ‘Keep Rolling’
Giant Films | Karien Cherry
(Direction Craft)

SPECIAL MENTION: Trace Mobile ‘Never Expire’
Upstairs Ludus
(Offline Edit Craft)

Judges comments by Stuart Stobbs Chief Creative Officer at 1886 Advertising

Woooahh! There sure is a lot of love being put into so much of the work that was entered into this month’s reel. There’s a bunch of great stuff that could only be made here in South Africa and it makes me shiver to see where we are going as a country. Also, please notice that these winners include black filmmakers and female filmmakers. I chose them not because they are black nor female, but because they have done an astounding job. I am however highlighting them now so that you can consider them for your next pitch/job.

BEST OF REEL: Castle Milk Stout ‘Savour Your Richness’ by Fausto Becatti from Bioscope Films – Direction Craft
What a beautifully directed piece of work. Rich, raw imagery that drips with “Africaness” but walks a perfect line between over the top fantasy and gritty truth. I get easily distracted but I watched this 2min15 piece 4 times in a row (and I have seen it before). Oh and I watched that “magical” billboard transformation at 1:43 about 8 times. Ha! Brilliant! Well done all round Fausto and Bioscope – phenomenal job.

BEST OF REEL: Allan Gray ‘Father’s Share’ by Adam Howard from Howard Audio – Original Music Craft
Cinematically-styled, beautifully melodic warm jazz tones that truly add to the power of this story, punctuating its lows and highs. So often music is laid down as an afterthought – how refreshing to hear it build and flow perfectly with this narrative. Excellent work Howard Audio.

SPECIAL MENTION: Caste Lite ‘Money Calling’ by Lebogang Rasethaba from Egg Films – Direction Craft
Wow, a song and a music video that have been made for a brand but don’t seem like they’ve been made by a brand! Great job. Lebo and Egg have masterfully crafted some real kick-ass Wakanda-like imagery. Also, love the constant icefall that ties every shot together in a dreamy, chilly, afrofuture fantasy wonderland.

SPECIAL MENTION: KFC Africa ‘Keep Rolling’ by Karien Cherry from Giant Films – Direction Craft
Humour, it’s a funny thing – and damn hard to crack. However, Karien and Giant Films have flirted with “slapstick” the whole way through but brilliantly managed to keep this ad firmly in “damn funny”. I just keep showing people this commercial – excellent stuff.

SPECIAL MENTION: Trace Mobile ‘Never Expire’ by the Upstairs Ludus – Offline Edit Craft
How exciting to see powerful stills gyrating to a raw drum solo. Ludus have created a beautifully imperfect rhythmic dance of youth.

About Our Judge

iDidTht Craft Awards Guest Judge: Stuart Stobbs Chief Creative Officer at 1886 Advertising
Stu started in advertising in the 90’s after a failed drag queen career. Worked above, below and all around the line – but never quite understood why it was there in the first place. He was a copywriter at a few big agencies, then CD at Net#Work, then started and ran his own shop, with BBDO, for 6 years. He returned home to the FCB Africa group 5ish years ago and started 1886 Advertising – an integrated agency with awesome clients in the telco, banking, fast food and beauty spaces. He holds a 2nd role with FCB Global as Chief Inspiration Officer with the task of inspiring the creative worldwide and leading global pitches and product launches on their biggest client. Has won a bunch of local and international awards and has judged extensively, both locally and abroad. Loves his dogs, his beautiful wife, cooking and eating – but not necessarily in that order.

All Film Reel Entries

0307 Films | Kim Geldenhuys
Nelson Mandela Foundation | Phillips ‘There’s a Madiba in you’
(Direction Craft)

10th Street | Wynand Strydom
Auto Bavaria Midrand ‘A Night at The Dealership’
(Direction & Editing Craft)

7 Films | SJ Myeza
Men’s Health ‘Peanuts’
(Direction Craft)

7 Films | Lourens van Rensburg
Mercedes Benz S-Class ‘Return to Chapman’s Peak’
(Direction Craft)

Bioscope Films | Rio Allen
Carling Black Label ‘Father’s Day’
(Direction Craft)

Carbon Films | Bruno Bossi
Three Ships Whisky ‘Made Here’
(Direction Craft)

Carbon Films | Jason Fialkov
Klipdrift ‘The Package’
(Direction Craft)

Carbon Films | Rob Smith
Chicken Licken ‘Sbu 2.0 – The How & The Why’
(Direction Craft)

Darling Films | Jeana Theron
MTN ‘The Laurie Kay Story’
(Direction Craft)

Egg Films | Zwelethu Radebe
Mutzig ‘Batik Success’
(Direction Craft)

Picture Tree | Bevan Cullinan
Tears.Org ‘#metoo’
(Direction Craft)

ROMANCE | Greg Gray
First National Bank ‘Help Inspires Greatness’
(Direction Craft)

Sketchbook Studios | Ari Kruger
Checkers Little Garden ‘Water-Wise Tips with SuzelleDIY’
(Direction Craft)

Sketchbook Studios | Ari Kruger
Checkers Little Garden ‘Make your Own Greenhouse’
(Direction Craft)

Sketchbook Studios | Ari Kruger
DSTV ‘Royal Wedding Playlist’
(Direction Craft)

The Rudeboy Collective | Nadezna Radcore
16-Jun ‘#Rise’
(Direction, Editing & Final Mix)

The Star Film Company | Tristan Holmes
Pepsi ‘Paint the World Blue’
(Direction Craft)

The Star Film Company | Cindy Lee
Coca Cola West Africa ‘Game Time’
(Direction Craft)

The Star Film Company | Wim Steytler
Redefine Properties ‘Tenant Therapy’
(Direction Craft)

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