Welcome to IDIDTHAT’s new monthly series where we shine a spotlight on the women in the South African production industry. SHE DID THAT makes it even easier to find local female filmmakers. Our hope is that this will become a talent showcase and a useful resource to access and discover the right people for your projects. Although we will only be featuring women and non-binary people, the goal is that it will encourage the inclusion of more underrepresented filmmakers across all production work created by South Africans.

Zandi Tisani
Director at Robot

Zandi is a considered filmmaker creating edgy and adventurous work. With an emphasis on culture, humour and storytelling, there’s a refreshing combination of authenticity and a strong cinematic quality to her work. Zandi is also an accomplished writer, creative and collaborator.

Mel & Lusanda
Directors at they

They met 10 years ago and have been friends since. Their differences are what make them such a strong duo, that and their knowledge of each other and film. Their love for film and story translates in their interpretation of scripts and concepts.

Amelia Cohen
Editor at Priest

Amelia Cohen works her magic combining live action with motion graphics. Her fresh and lyrical approach to the flow and timing to editing allows her to turn any footage into a work of art. She is also a skilled illustrator and character developer.

More resources to discover and access underrepresented filmmakers for your next shoot:

Free the Work South Africa. A global initiative that asks agencies to brief at least 1 woman on every 3-way commercial bid.
Girslfinfilm. A platform to grow and network filmmakers.
She Says Cape Town. SheSays is the only global network for women in advertising and other creative industries.

If you know of other platforms that can help our industry grow and be more representative of an inclusive diverse society, hit us up and email

Use IDIDTHAT’s Directory to find the right talent

Use IDIDTHAT’s Directory to find the right company

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