Design Companies Directory

Design Companies in South Africa

Use our directory to easily find the best design companies in South Africa – based in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.

Bohemian Creative

Bohemian creates stunning design & animation for conscious brands. Impactful, memorable work that inspires change. #DesignForGood #Branding


Co-Owner and Managing Director: Via Henderson
Co-Owner and Executive Creative Director: Kyle Lutchman


Sunshinegun is an inspirational company focused on strategic brand design and communication. Based in sunny South Africa and not so sunny London, we deliver illuminating work for our clients, throughout Africa, the Middle East, UK, Canada, USA and Australia.

Johannesburg & London

Managing Director: Katinka Pretorius / Creative Partner: Bronwen Rautenbach
Creative Partner & Music Director: George Rautenbach / Digital Director: Roshni Morar

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