IDIDTHAT Craft Awards October 2021

Best in Craft awarded to 3 commercials in October. Congratulations to Arcade, Bioscope and Romance.

This month’s Craft Awards were judged by top industry veterans Tseliso Rangaka, CCO at FCB Joburg and Hellocomputer and director at 0307, Kim Geldenhuys. Bumper month with 3 commercials being awarded the top spot. Congratulations to our Best-in-Crafters; Lebogang Rasethaba and Imraan Christian from Arcade, Greg Gray from ROMANCE & Jason Fialkov from Bioscope Films.

‘What are the Craft Awards?’ Every month we team up with ad industry leaders to award the finest in South African film and production craft across these different categories: Direction, Editing, Cinematography, Animation and VFX, Online, Original Sound, Sound Design and Final Mix. It’s just another way that we make it ridiculously easy to stay up-to-date with who’s doing the best work in the country. 

BEST IN CRAFT (Direction)
Castle Milk Stout ‘Last Stories of Culture’
Arcade | Lebogang Rasethaba and Imraan Christian

Awarded by Tseliso Rangaka

‘This could have gone wrong in so many different directions. Documentaries are difficult to get right. Ones about such niche areas of public interest, such as this one must present diabolical pitfalls for any director attempting them. Lebogang and Imraan managed to deliver this one with grace and a respectfulness that itself becomes a character in the story. It’s a beautifully told story about vanishing culture, set in a vast landscape of stillness, with a cast he had no choice but to work with. I love that Lebogang used his own voice for the narration, which makes it all the more intimate. As if the lessons are more for himself than for a wider audience, yet this is the very thing that brings us in. The music is also there for emphasis but not to intrude. “Last Stories of Culture” is a sad yet hopeful account of wisdom being passed from one generation to another, and there couldn’t have been better messengers. Well done Lebogang Rasethaba and Imraan Christian.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Tseliso Rangaka, Chief Creative Officer FCB Joburg

BEST IN CRAFT (Direction)
Chicken Licken ‘Feel the Fire’
Romance Films | Greg Gray

Awarded by Kim Geldenhuys


Awarded by Tseliso Rangaka

‘As always, faultless comedic timing, impeccable performance and cinematic attention to detail makes me award this month’s IDIDTHAT Craft Best to director Greg Gray for Chicken Licken “Feel The Fire”. What more can I say…as always, the craft behind the work you and your team produce is inspiring Greg. Nuff said….’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Kim Geldenhuys, Director at 0307

‘Chicken Licken and Greg Gray are no strangers to these woods, so I’ll be brief. “Feel The Fire” has all the hallmarks of a great ad. The cast is amazing, the art department is double nailed, the cinematography is world class and the story unfolds in a masterclass of attention to detail. So why only a special mention? Controversy alert. I think some directors are in a league of their own and don’t really compete with anyone except themselves. Don’t get me wrong, this is an amazing film by all accounts. It’s also classic Greg Gray. I would have loved Greg on a rocket kicking intergalactic ass, drop the mic or camera kind of stuff. It’s the standard he set.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Tseliso Rangaka, Chief Creative Officer FCB Joburg

BEST IN CRAFT (Direction)
ACG ‘Make It Better’
Bioscope Films | Jason Fialkov

Awarded by Tseliso Rangaka

‘I had never heard of ACG before this film. And I probably never will, unless Jason Fialkov directs another one. I have a recoil reflex to popping pills but I get that a lot of people depend on medication to have the semblance of a life. I also appreciate how difficult it must have been to direct a script that attempts to put human warmth into essentially a pharmaceutical company’s brand ad. Yet “Make It Better” is top to tail an authentic human story. I like the clever use of vantage. The protagonist carries her role well and one actually believes she’s getting better. The whole thing is well thought through and meticulously executed. ‘
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Tseliso Rangaka, Chief Creative Officer FCB Joburg

Wikipedia ‘Forwarded Many Times’
The Rudeboy Collective | Monde Gumede

Awarded by Kim Geldenhuys

‘This one caught my attention. I like that it drew me in and triggered a feeling. It’s a conversation starter and raises an awareness to be more cognizant of what we put out into the public domain, and that is part of the craft of the director. To use his voice to raise awareness and get messages across that he/she feels strongly about. I like that Monde wrote it himself. I liked the pace, the edit and the audio choices. Well done Monde.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Kim Geldenhuys, Director at 0307

Chicken Licken ‘Feel the Fire’
Deliverance Post Production | Kobus Loots

Awarded by Kim Geldenhuys

‘Again, the nod goes to Kobus Loots for Chicken Licken “Feel The Fire”. Perfect comedic timing and strong sound design brings this piece together seamlessly.’
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Kim Geldenhuys, Director at 0307


Tseliso Rangaka is the Chief Creative Officer of FCB Joburg and Hellocomputer. Before taking on the role, Tseliso spent 12 years working for Ogilvy South Africa. Starting in 2007 as a Copywriter in the Johannesburg office, he rose through the ranks to become Chief Creative Officer across Ogilvy’s Cape Town and Durban agencies in 2019. In his 12-year tenure at Ogilvy Tseliso performed a key creative leadership role across multiple brands within the Ogilvy South Africa Group, including Volkswagen, Audi, ABINBEV, KFC, Coca-Cola and Mondelez. He also led creative teams behind some of the Group’s most effective and award winning work. Tseliso began his advertising career in 1999 as a Junior Copywriter at Lindsay Smithers FCB, where he got big-brand exposure working on the Toyota, Vodacom, FNB and Adcock Ingram’s accounts. Tseliso is an active participant on various industry Executive Boards, most notably as Chairperson of the Loerie Awards (2018 – 2020), Africa and the Middle East’s premier creative showcase. He was also voted the Most Admired Creative Leader in Cape Town in 2018. He is the recipient of numerous creative awards including a Cannes Grand Prix, as well as One Show and D&AD pencils. When he’s not herding creative cats, Tseliso spends most of his time with one wife, two children and a dog.

Kim Geldenhuys, is a director at 0307. In 1998 Kim founded Egg Films his first production company and in the following years developed a strong local and international clientele. In 2014 he launched 0307. Since inception, 0307 has been awarded Production Company of the Year 2018 & 2020 by Ciclope Africa, and was awarded Production Company of the year at Loeries 2019. His attention to detail and concept has led to him being consistently featured at award shows around the world, such as Cannes, Clios, LIA’S, Ciclope, D&AD, The One Show and many more. Topsy’s ‘Selinah’ won South Africa’s first Grand LIA at the London International Advertising Awards, as well as Cannes Gold and numerous other international awards.

All Craft Entries

0307 Films | Kim Geldenhuys
Solidarity Fund ‘Vaccine TVC’
(Direction Craft)

7Films | Lazola Gola
Savanna ‘Umjolo’ (Directors cut)
(Direction Craft)

Cake | Hloni Coleman
SAT ‘Open Doors’
(Direction Craft)

Darling Films | Ross Garrett
Pam Golding ‘Hanli’
(Direction Craft)

Rob Malpage
MiWay ‘Road Trip’
(Direction Craft)
Entered on behalf of Rob Malpage (freelance) by Cake

Giant Films | Peri
Honeymoan ‘False Idols’
(Direction Craft)

Indie Village Creative | Anthony Bila
HyperionDev ‘#CodeDidThis’
(Direction Craft)

Osu Creative Production | Que Ntuli
KFC ‘Add Hope’
(Direction Craft)

Patriot Films | Aadil Dhalech
Imbo ‘Bingie’
(Direction Craft)

Romance Films | Justice Mukheli
ABSA ‘Ready to Work’
(Direction Craft)

Spitfire | Katlego Baaitse
Comedy Central Music Videos ‘Liefde in Die Pandemie’
(Direction Craft)

Spitfire | Katlego Baaitse
YAP Banking App ‘YAP Mirror Card’
(Direction Craft)

Spitfire | Katlego Baaitse
Comedy Central ‘Let Me Fill Your Holes’
(Direction Craft)

Strangelove | Shelby Ncube
Shoprite Liquor ‘Celebrate Everything’
(Editing Craft)

Howard Audio | Adam Howard
Cell C ‘Summer 2021’
(Original Music and Final mix Craft)

Osu Creative Productions | Que Ntuli
KFC ‘Add Hope’
(Cinematography Craft)

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