IDIDTHAT Craft Awards May 2020

Best in Craft awarded to short film ‘Loot’ for Screenwriting and Direction. Congrats Greg Rom & Evy Katz

Happy New Lockdown Level to all you beauties! What better way to celebrate saying goodbye to those dirty quarantined sweatpants, than by honouring May’s best in craft. These Craft Awards were judged by the dashing duo of *drumroll please*: Giant Films director, Karien Cherry and ECD of Ogilvy Joburg, Molefi Thulo. We know, we’re starstruck too!

‘What are the Craft Awards?’ Every month we team up with ad industry leaders to award the finest in South African film and production craft across these different categories: Direction, Editing, Cinematography, Animation and SFX, Online, Original Sound, Sound Design and Final Mix. It’s just another way that we make it ridiculously easy to stay up-to-date with who’s doing the best work in the country. 

BEST IN CRAFT (Direction)
CRAFT SPECIAL MENTION (Writing/Screenwriting)
Awarded by Karien Cherry

BEST IN CRAFT (Direction & Writing/Screenwriting)
Awarded by Molefi Thulo

Short Film ‘Loot’
Gentlemen Films | Greg Rom (Direction Craft)
Gentlemen Films | Greg Rom & Evy Katz (Writing/Screenwriting Craft)

“Time is a great indicator of a piece of work’s craft value. Despite the fact that this film isn’t timely or relevant or new or edgy, Greg’s deft handling of the leads’ performances earns him my Direction Craft Best this month. A tonally sure-footed short with solid storytelling, it entertained me all the way through. Special mention to the sound treatment which brings this imaginative story to life. Congratulations.”
“You can’t make a good film without a good script. Well done to Greg and Evy for developing this offbeat idea into a story that keeps surprising us. Good old storytelling gets a well deserved Special Mention.”
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Karien Cherry, Director at Giant Films

“This short film is another great example of how to engage your audience from start to finish. And in my opinion it also follows one of the most important rules when it comes to drawing viewers in, it engages the imagination. It offers up visual suggestions and your mind fills in the blanks. Though it’s set in a bank, a scene most of us are familiar with thanks to countless movies, the creators have given it a twist that makes this piece mesmerizing and rewarding all the way to the end. Add the charming performances and I was won over by this film. Congratulations to Greg Rom and Evy Katz.”
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Molefi Thulo, ECD at Ogilvy Joburg

CRAFT SPECIAL MENTION (Direction & Editing)
Awarded by Molefi Thulo
Short Film ‘Return’
we are_ | Dillon Buirski (Direction Craft)
we are_ | Luka Scott (Editing Craft)

“In the descriptor that accompanies this film there’s a part that reads, “The viewer is taken through a self-realisation that what is most important during a crisis, are the steady rhythmic beats of our relationships.” That’s exactly what they have achieved with this film – this work makes you feel something. Along with other epiphanies I had while watching this, given the current context, I enjoyed the editing, cinematography (I mean who can resist sunset scenes?) and the soundtrack. Overall, it’s a moving film that will touch even the most incredulous amongst us.”
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Molefi Thulo, ECD at Ogilvy Joburg


Molefi Thulo, ECD at Ogilvy Johannesburg
Molefi Thulo, aka Mo, began his career in advertising in the early 2000’s. The thing that drew him towards advertising was how we are given a blank canvas and get to tell weird and wonderful stories to consumers via the brands we work on. He also gravitated towards humour as a way to communicate and resonate with the world. He’s worked on great accounts such as KFC, Lucozade, DStv, AB InBev, Vodacom, First National Bank, SC Johnson, Samsung, Toyota, Audi and The National Lottery, to mention a few. Industry achievements include wins at Cannes Lions, Clios, D&Ad, One Show, The Loeries, London International and Bookmarks. He is currently a member of the Creative Circle, aiming to serve and build this industry.

Karien Cherry, Director at Giant Films
One of South Africa’s most prolific directors, Karien’s work has seen both viral fame and international recognition. She is sought after by creatives for her ability to effortlessly collaborate and be adaptable and nimble whilst maintaining relevance. Directing is an extension of who she is and her world view, and when approaching an idea she is driven by the need for truth and meaning. Her mantra? “If you don’t have anything meaningful to say, listen.”

All Craft Entries

Arcade Content | Alexa Wilson
Danone ‘Innocent’ (Directors Cut)
(Direction Craft)

Blacksmith Collective | Diogo
Official Music Video ‘Costatich – Ish’
(Direction Craft)

Carbon Films | Daniel Morcos
Deezer ‘Memory Lane’
(Direction Craft)

Egg Films | Zwelethu Radebe
Nedbank ‘Money Goals’
(Direction Craft)

Sketchbook Studios | Talya Galasko
VW ‘Staycation’
(Direction Craft)

Fabian Vettiger
Nedbank ‘Money Goals’
(Cinematography Craft)
Entered on behalf of Fabian by Egg Films

Howard Audio | Adam Howard
Mazda CX-5 ‘Beauty’
(Original Music & Final Mix Craft)

Refinery | Kyle Stroebel
Short Film ‘Return’
(Grade/Colour Craft)
Entered on behalf of Kyle by we are_

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