IDIDTHAT Craft Awards December 2020

Best in Craft awarded to Slim from Darling Films AND Porteus Xandau from Carbon Films

We did it, Joe! We made it to 2021, so let’s start the year off with a bang by celebrating those talented beauties that reigned supreme in 2020’s final Craft Awards. December’s Craft Awards were judged by Claudi Potter, Creative Director at Joe Public United and Fausto Becatti, director at Bioscope Films.

‘What are the Craft Awards?’ Every month we team up with ad industry leaders to award the finest in South African film and production craft across these different categories: Direction, Editing, Cinematography, Animation and SFX, Online, Original Sound, Sound Design and Final Mix. It’s just another way that we make it ridiculously easy to stay up-to-date with who’s doing the best work in the country. 

BEST IN CRAFT (Direction) ‘If you Drink, Don’t Drive’
Darling Films | Slim

Awarded by Claudi Potter

“We’ve all become a little desensitised to drinking and driving commercials, which often resort to shock tactics to make us stop and think. But this concept has shifted the focus from the driver to the passenger seats, and it was executed in a way that had the right impact. Kudos to Slim for the sincere performances and simple storytelling.”
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Claudi Potter, Creative Director at Joe Public United

BEST IN CRAFT (Direction)
Polestar ‘Sebastian Kienle’
Carbon Films | Porteus Xandau

Awarded by Fausto Becatti

“Besides having a really cool name, Porteus also appears to be deft with his craft. This film stood out to me because beyond being gorgeous to look at, with a beautifully crafted and deeply considered edit, I felt intrigued and drawn in by all the elements together. The treatment of the voice and the typographic, extra bits to convey his story, there’s a level of consistent consideration that keeps it interesting but not all over the place. A strong marriage of the human story with the design elements of the car. Bonus points for making the car look incredible too. ”
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Fausto Becatti, director at Bioscope Films.

Amy Ayanda ‘Beginners’ (Official Music Video)
we are_ | Maxime Thaysen

Awarded by Claudi Potter

“Ok, first of all we need to talk about that beautifully styled food on that white table cloth. There is a lot of artistry and a lightness to this video, which makes it feel really fresh. It’s quite raw, and then beautiful and then there’s a subtle humour to it which really resonated. I remember the “Beginner” days – feeling like a goddess for five seconds and having everything stripped from you (including your identity, your flowers and your bubbles), only moments later. It’s a lovely piece. Well done.”
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Claudi Potter, Creative Director at Joe Public United

KFC ‘What a year’
Patriot Films | Anton Visser

Awarded by Fausto Becatti

“This spot is just solid all the way through for me, it’s a Covid ad without bashing us over the head about it. I think the more subdued, subtle performances here were really great and I loved the duo of opposing characters.  Simple and sweet, but solidly crafted. It made me chuckle and smile, which is sometimes what we need.”
– IDIDTHAT Guest Judge: Fausto Becatti, director at Bioscope Films


Claudi Potter, Creative Director at Joe Public United: Claudi is part of the furniture at Joe Public. She identifies as a slightly outdated couch, with mismatched scatter cushions. She started out as copywriter over 15 years ago, and she’s picked up some local and international awards along the way. She enjoys short walks to the fridge and long hikes with her family.

Fausto Becatti, director at Bioscope Films: He has Italian/Argentinian roots but was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has a passion for filmmaking & photography which started from a young age. Obsessed with the way an image can evoke a powerful mood or emotion, there is something lingering in the impact of his craftsmanship. He has a knack for pairing striking visuals with energising soundtracks and a strong sense for craft and pre-production in getting the final image perfect. Fausto has directed campaigns for brands Coca-Cola, SAB and Volkswagen with his work winning awards at One Show, D&AD, Ciclope Africa, Pendorings & The Loeries Awards.

All Craft Entries

Bomb Commercials | Ernest Nkosi
Mazda ‘Chess’
(Direction Craft)

Carbon Films | Daniel Morcos
Deezer ‘Dance Break’
(Direction Craft)

Giant Films | Ian Gabriel
GLO ‘Christmas’
(Direction Craft)

Made Films | Dani Hynes
Eskort ‘Library/Kota’
(Direction Craft)

Made Films | Dani Hynes
Eskort ‘Inge/Bacon’
(Direction Craft)

Patriot Films | Aadil Dhalech
Th&o. ‘Ebusuku’
(Direction Craft)

The Rudeboy Collective | Nadezna Radcore
Nurofen ‘Leave the Pain to Us’ (Directors Cut)
(Direction Craft)

The Rudeboy Collective | mondeliketheworld
Shield ‘Break Your Limits’ (Directors Cut)
(Direction Craft)

Strangelove | Xander Vander (Edit), Nic Apostoli (Grade), Charmaine Greyling (VFX)
GLO ‘Christmas’
(Full Post Craft)

Howard Audio | Adam Howard
GLO ‘Christmas’
(Original Music Craft)

TigerFight | Chris Snyman and Garth Barnes
Tops ‘Because 2020’
(Original Music Craft)

DOP | Tom Revington
Eskort ‘Library/Kota’
(Cinematography Craft)
*Entered on behalf of Tom by Made Films

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