Eyeforce, a production company that will make you want to quit your day job

Matt Bush climbing Chapman’s Peak without ropes

Eyeforce, a production company that will make you want to quit your day job

What first caught our attention about the film production company Eyeforce, is their cinematic doccie style. Their work captivates and sends you to a place where you can almost feel the heartbeat of the people you are watching. Remember that film about the street surfers in Joburg? They did that. The award-winning short film caught the world’s attention, and their latest short film, ‘The Armstrongs’, will no doubt do the same. The more we watched Eyeforce’s work, the more we wanted to quit our jobs and follow them around on set. Watch these now.

Remember this!

‘Street Surfers’: You’ll know this one, but if you haven’t seen it before let’s bring you up to speed. ‘Street Surfers’ is a short film that shares the untold story of Joburg’s ‘street surfers’ and it pretty much won all the awards, seriously, look at all those laurels in the thumbnail pic.

Just released!

‘The Armstrongs’ is a short film about a surfing family of 11 (yes, that’s one mom, dad, 8 kids and a grandchild) in Scarborough who are redefining the notion of normal and challenging modern family values. The Eyeforce team followed the family around for a year and a half. The film has been selected for 14 international film festivals and has already picked up three awards. What you’re watching here is the trailer and we can’t wait to see the full film set to be released at the end of this year. Eyeforce worked together with Stitch Post Production to bring this passion project to life.

If you didn’t know that Eyeforce was a production company responsible for these two films, you probably don’t know these 11 things either…

11 Things you didn’t know about Eyeforce

1. Although Eyeforce originally started in Amsterdam, their first ever project was shot in Cape Town.

2. Focused on film production in sports and the outdoors, Eyeforce built their reputation as adventure seekers by documenting the stories of famous athletes across the world. But that’s not all they do…

3. For Corona (the beer brand ;)) they submerged themselves in heavily shark-infested waters without a cage, just to get that perfect shot.

4. They are all about capturing real stories and sharing the strength of the human spirit.

5. Recently the Eyeforce team started a non-profit organisation called: ‘Ocean Collective’. A foundation to honour, protect and restore our blue planet through the power of storytelling. They are looking for blue hearted creatives to get involved.

6. One time they hiked up the Kilimanjaro to snow kite in the crater of the volcano. A project for Red Bull and JustDigIt called ‘Follow the wind’, to raise awareness about global cooling.

7. Eyeforce SA is looking for up and coming directors to join their South African roster.

8. Eyeforce is involved in ‘Project I Am’, an organisation that teaches the youth of Langa how to become filmmakers & storytellers.

9. Back in 2015, the Eyeforce team and pro kiteboarder Nick Jacobsen worked on a viral stunt as they captured Nick jumping out of the jacuzzi from the highest point of Sir Richard Brandson’s private island while shooting the kitesurf movie Chapter One.

10.The Eyeforce Amsterdam office used to be based on a lighthouse ship.

11. We actually only prepared 10 things, so we’re just gonna remind you to watch the trailer for ‘The Armstrongs’ again.

Eyeforce Did That Too

Eyeforce’s work really has a distinct flavour with a freedom in their commercial storytelling. Their love of emotive narratives and the extraordinary stories shared by real people is evident in all their spots, and apart from The Armstrongs and Street Surfers, here are a few of our faves.

Mystic A TO X

ADIDAS ‘Faster Than’


Eyeforce Cape Town ‘Action Reel’

“One of Eyeforce’s strengths has always been our ability to produce high-quality content with a small crew or team. If we have to, we can be ‘lean and mean’, a good example of this is ‘Street Surfers’. Besides the creative team from King James, we shot this project with a team of 4 people. Two Eyeforce producers, one DOP/Director (Arthur Neumeier) and a sound guy.” – Mascha Spaans, Eyeforce Producer

With roots in the action sports industry Eyeforce thinks big, even on small budgets. From massive brand shoots with a crew of 30 + to small teams of 4 creating award-winning films, they’re agile enough to pretty much bring any story to life. Their cinematic doccie style is truly a breath of fresh air and the way they capture the beautiful real stories behind real people is downright captivating.

Why not (s)stalk some more? Eyeforce on IDIDTHAT and Company Website.

Contact Eyeforce

+27 74 531 0455

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View Eyeforce Website

Produced by the IDIDTHAT Content Studio – Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

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This Editorial is paid for by Eyeforce. Want our studio to create content that puts your agency/company/kickass ad you made in bright lights for the whole industry to see? View or editorial packages or contact and we’ll make it happen! #Boom

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