DUKE is an integrated marketing company that puts the best people in the corner of contender brands so they can win the fight for customers’ attention.

Cape Town

Chief Executive Officer: Wayne Naidoo / Managing Director: Aileen Sauerman
Executive Creative Director: Suhana Gordhan / Chief Strategy Officer: Steve Miller

Awarded Work

Featured Showcases


South African Companies that made us proud at Cannes 2019

2019-08-28T16:23:47+02:00July 4th, 2019|

Now that we’ve finally cut off wristbands and bid farewell to all the Cannes chaos, it’s time to take stock. Looking to work with the best of the best in South Africa over the next year? Well here is your quick guide to all of SA’s awarded companies at Cannes 2019. Yessiree folks, these are the guys to keep on your radar when you decide who to work with on your future campaigns.


One Show 2019 Showcase: View South Africa’s Winning Work

2019-08-07T13:51:48+02:00May 9th, 2019|

(Updated: First Night of One Show Pencils Announced) We’ll be bringing you the One Show 2019 results and all of South Africa's winning work as they are announced on the 8th and 10th of May, in the meantime keep that celebratory bottle of tequila on ice. A Finalist has won either a Pencil or Merit award in the competition, so congrats you beautiful soon-to-be Pencil/Merit-wielding winners you!


South Africa’s Work to Watch: December 2018

2018-12-07T10:07:53+02:00December 6th, 2018|

This month we showcase the stand-out work that South African companies on iDidTht are doing. Apart from just bragging about it (which is very important), it’s the work that was recently featured at the Creative Circle Awards and iDidTht’s Craft Awards. View the work and find out more about the companies who did it…


Find out more about SA’s top-ranked companies at Loeries 2018

2018-11-19T11:56:56+02:00November 16th, 2018|

Although the Loeries only seem like a distant memory that conjures up the smell of cheap tequila and even cheaper regrets, the official Loeries rankings were released and we’ve gone and created the ultimate cheat sheet for you. Find out more about South Africa's top creative and production companies out there. Yup, it’s the ultimate goodie bag! Grab ye olde quill and ink and start taking notes because, for the next year, these are the companies you want to work with

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