Director Dani Hynes, Mel Curtis & Dumi Mvumvu Launch Made Films

Director Dani Hynes, Mel Curtis & Dumi Mvumvu Launch Made Films

‘By the time we see your script your idea has been through a lot. It has survived reviews, jealous glances, an array of vague, incomprehensible “feedback”.  You’ve gained kilos and lost sleep. Perhaps there is a reward out for your will to live or you’ve compulsively Googled “Hydroponic farming” – whatever it took, we know it didn’t come easy. That’s why we work so hard, because we won’t rest until you look at the idea the same way you did the first time you imagined it.’ – Dani Hynes on Made Films.

That really does nail what Made Films is all about… Now we could probably end this whole editorial right here, but we would never deprive you of meeting the trio behind this new film production company.

Meet Made

Back in 2013 there were literally only two significant things that took place: Prince William and Kate welcomed Prince George into the world, AND, after three years of working together, Director Dani Hynes and Producer Mel Curtis, joined the team at Egg Films. 7 years later things have pretty much stood still for royal baby George – obviously not disregarding that time he became the youngest person to appear on Tatler’s best-dressed list #ToddlerGoals. For Dani and Mel on the other hand, it’s been a wild, award-filled adventure, and the two have remained inseparable throughout the entire journey and ready for the next phase.

Joining the duo over two years ago is Dumisani Mvumvu. Producer of the acclaimed short film, The Hangman, which has won over 20 international awards, Dumisani has produced with companies like Terraplane, Velocity, Egg Films and freelanced pretty much everywhere in-between. He could not be more excited about standing alongside Mel and Dani as they undertake their next adventure and shared some insight on the company: “At Made Films we are slaves to the idea, it dictates everything. When we get a brief the number one thing I look forward to is how Dani is going to interpret that idea. And secondly, I look at the room and how they react to her interpretations – I don’t know where she gets them from. She has solutions for everything and it’s so beautiful.”

Director Dani Hynes needs no introduction to the industry. We all know her as not only being a incredibly talented director but also wickedly funny – here is one of her many anecdotes she shared with us when talking about her time as an agency creative: ‘I used to have this creative director who would speak in bumper stickers, this lovely old Irishman, and he often said to me: ‘When you’re the uninvited guest at the table you better be f*cking interesting when you sit down’ and that, to me, is advertising. He also used to say ‘a day without dessert is like a day without sunshine’ so you know, you take it with a pinch of salt.’ Haha, Dani we stan!

Lucky for us, Dani decided to turn commercial director over ten years ago. Armed with an understanding for the business of advertising, Dani’s bank of work includes comedy spots, emotive work, big financial ads and everything in-between. Even though her reel is so varied, her driving force has always remained the same: ‘Respect the idea’.  

Made You Look

Dani loves directing performance in all its guises. The reason her work is so nuanced is because she believes that whether it’s a small ad about a toilet cleaner or a massive brand biopic, it’s the same struggle, she explains: “If we cut out everything of what we do, at the heart of it is the people because ideas come from people. When I hear the idea I think ‘how do we birth that idea, how do we pay respect to what is actually going to make that idea watchable, believable, interesting?”

It’s because of the respect of the people and the idea that Dani’s work so honestly and beautifully captures a little bit of life every time. Here are a few of our favourite picks from Dani’s reel.

Glade ‘Bloom’

Johnnie Walker ‘Keep Walking SA’

Yum Yum ‘Case Of The Missing Sarmie’

Kellogg’s ‘Nourish Your Greatness’

Spekko ‘Rice’

Dani on Bloom, shot with Ogilvy Chicago: ‘How do you bring a mine dump to life in the middle of July? Ask us. When we were approached to shoot this beautiful script which entailed making a mine dump literally bloom in camera, in the middle of winter, we thought “Why not?” Some science and a few “What if’s” later we did exactly that. And the result? An authentic and elegant homage to the women of our land past, present and future whose courage, passion and power helped transform our landscape from arid to flourishing. Because of them, we can ALL bloom where we are planted.’

It’s a no-brainer that this talented and experienced team at Made Films will be offering you agile solutions for all your content needs or communication problems in the best creative way possible #Duh. But what really sets Made Films apart is what runs through their veins; the respect of the creative idea, the understanding of the pain that went into putting that idea on the table and the unique way they will interpret that idea. So give them a call and hear them utter those sweet words: “Now, let’s talk about how we get it made.” 

Contact Made Films:

Producer: Mel Curtis
083 566 7803

Producer: Dumisani Mvumvu
072 781 4625

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View Made Films Website

Produced by the iDidTht Content Studio – Credits: Anne Hirsch (Writer) / Julie Maunder

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This Editorial is paid for by Made Films. Want our studio to create content that puts your agency/company/kickass ad you made in bright lights for the whole industry to see? View or editorial packages or contact and we’ll make it happen! #Boom

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